
Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.
Our heart links our consciousness & soul as one being. Receiving Divine Love can be an intense and heart awakening experience. The Temple of Mary is guarded fiercely. To enter, we choose to free our heart from love restrictions. The Divine Mother, with humility & grace, helps us identify any wound connected to mother figures with loving support. She inspires us to love deeper and surrender to the innocence of our inner child. Get the tissues, ready! Goodbyes will seem to last forever, & empathetic connections will bring newfound friends. The path to self realization is filled with conscious awakenings. The mind is a powerful tool that when fully open & activated can connect to sources unimaginable to the naked eye. When the sacred light of the cosmic gateway shines upon the earth, the individual acceleration of self-awareness through self realization can reveal the body’s capability of healing itself. Ascension Master Yogananda announces that we are in a time of great personal change & growth. We should be unafraid to start over or find fresh ideas & ways to support our life, bringing more joy and happiness. Challenge ourself to try new things, or experiences aligning with our global or personal interests. The golden light ray, anchors creator energy into the remaining rays throughout the universe and the earth, creating and influencing planetary healing and releasing energetic densities as its wavelengths move across the multiverse. The ray can initiate soul awakenings that bring our perceptions of all that is into closer mental focus. We are encouraged to see the lighter side of life so that laughter and comedic relief benefit us. Generosity & abundance follow the golden ray, wherever it leads. It is pure Divinity that seeks to heal those who access its frequency. Always uplifting, the golden ray will shower us with the warmth and comfort of fulfillment as it settles the highs and lows of emotions, shifting feelings of loss & emptiness within the psyche of our Soul.

Address—Our heart links our consciousness & soul as one being.
Bless—We should be unafraid to start over or find fresh ideas & ways to support our life.
Release—Generosity & abundance follow the golden ray.



Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
Herself makes an appearance. She tells us to knuckle down. It is our time to put in the work. Call on the Crone when we need the fierce wisdom & backing of the Goddess. The raven symbolizes our strength & capacity to overcome the darker times. Our Elders are treasures of wisdom, consult them. If our day & night hold celebrations, this card reminds us to take time for ourselves today. If we have a spiritual practice tap into the silence before going off into the fray. Magick, the energy of manifestation, appears to offer an insight. What we direct our will toward, is the experience we manifest. All that we need, resides within us. Embody the desire/frequency/focus to draw ourselves toward its resonance. Leap for the ring.

Address— Call on the Crone when we need the fierce wisdom & backing of the Goddess.
Bless— If we have a spiritual practice tap into the silence before going off into the fray.
Release—Embody the desire/frequency/focus to draw ourselves toward its resonance.



Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
The universe works under creative principles of law. What we say, & express becomes reality. Koala appears to tell us that Spirit has it in hand. There is a Divine plan. We are being asked to trust that by moving, slowly, with faith in abundance, & surrender to a power greater than ourselves, then we will be able to experience the manifestation of our desire. When we take time to enjoy, the blessings available to us now, sitting peacefully, we begin to radiate the joy and abundance we seek. Have faith and trust in Spirit's plan for us. Know we are loved & cherished. When we listen to our intuition, synchronicities appear before our eyes. Hawk Spirit says not to dismiss the signs that Spirit is sending to guide us, if we have been hearing the same word or song, or come across the same symbol in the strangest places, pay attention, Spirit wants to communicate, & reaches out again and again. Fox Spirit appears to remind us to be alert. Sometimes we must meet it, & move swiftly with resilience, grace, & astuteness to draw out our creativity. Now it’s not a time for hesitation, but a time for swift action of the mind, and a time to think outside the box & notice the ways that we might be able to make a move, be aware of the surroundings, & be clear we deserve the gifts. Trust that our cleverness, guided by Fox Spirit, will serve us well.

Address—Koala appears to tell us that Spirit has it in hand.
Bless—Listen to our intuition, & synchronicities appear before our eyes.
Release—Trust that our cleverness, guided by Fox Spirit, will serve us well.



Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
Gather around the Sisterhood. As women we may gather in our circles, sharing & healing. As men we may work to keep it a safe environment for our daughters, sisters, & mothers. The scars from female rivalries are asking to be healed. Forgive our daughters, sisters, wives, and mothers. Write a gratitude list of all the beautiful things that the feminine brings into our life. In times of turmoil, it seems that there is never enough to go around. The spirit of the earth reminds us that everything has a cycle of birth, growth, and decay. Even when it looks the darkest, we are supported. Following our creativity, our expression; we find the path of beauty. Just as the butterfly would never be magnificent without the struggle, so our life wouldn’t be beautiful without our own struggles. We are asked to take them into ourselves, and transmute them; sit with them, love them, become compassionate of them until they release the joy and grace held within them.

Address— The scars from female rivalries are asking to be healed.
Bless—Even when it looks the darkest, we are supported.
Release—Our life wouldn’t be beautiful without our own struggles.



Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
During the dark winter nights our ancestors gathered in the cold telling stories, crafting hunting tools & passing along new technologies. Our new methods of passing knowledge created threads going forward to us today. We owe them for our ability to visualize a future & imagine the past. Our passed beloved pets want to continue our healing journey. They are sending their blessings through another animal today. Watching us quietly from a distance. Today calls us to wholeness. Explore the paths we may take to get us there. Clean diet, positive self-talk, exercise for the body; a good book, socializing, & journaling for the mind; a few moments checking in with silence & breath for the spirit. Balance it all lightly.

Address—We owe our ancestors for our ability to visualize a future & imagine the past.
Bless—Our passed beloved pets want us to continue our healing journey.
Release—Balance it all lightly.



Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
Beneficial energy & personal or professional news comes to us from the Shamanic healer. This powerful Spirit Guide is our connection to our emotional and psychological nature. Call upon the Shaman to bring the eternal Spirit, the Divine healer to us. See or sense the power filling us up, clearing the problems away, & bringing late radiant light to us, physically, mentally, and emotionally. We may ask this healing Spirit to give guidance on what we can do to resolve our issues. The Shaman engages us in ceremonial ritual. Our requests may be aided by lighting a candle, playing music, or burning, incense or sage during our meditations. Archangel Raguel appears to remind us of justice and harmony. Some difficulties may have been an undercurrent of our life for a long time, creating a deep sense of injustice in us. If so, now is the time to change things. Speak our truth and make reasonable and honourable requests. Our soul longs for us to heal our relationship with the Self, and others and regular is here to help. We deserve harmony in our life. We may call Raguel to help us bring greater peace to all our relationships. New creative beginnings are now possible. This could be a good time for putting our creative ideas to work or putting more energy into our personal projects. If we always wanted to stretch our artistic limits now is the Time to put our nose to the Grindstone and hone our skills. Great creativity is blossoming in our life. We are open to new ideas & actions, expanding our soul’s expression in the world.

Address—Ask Spirit for guidance to resolve our issues.
Bless—Call on Raguel to help us bring greater peace to all our relationships.
Release—Open to new ideas & actions, we expand our soul’s expression in the world.



Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
The Buddha appears to remind us we will all transcend one day. This is merely a branch on a path. There really is no good or evil, we categorize things to pin them in our mind-scape. It is part of our mammalian immune system that extends to our emotions & judgments. The Goddess of erotic sensuality wants us to live a little, indulge a bit; heck, she says, let our freak flag fly. Merge into the moments, follow the path to merging the spiritual & sexual self. Savour the moments. Take our Divine Feminine energy & combine it with our Divine Masculine & we get the integration of physical, spiritual, & emotional. It is the fountainhead of Grace.

Address—The Buddha appears to remind us we will all transcend one day.
Bless—Follow the path, merging the spiritual & sexual self.
Release—Our Divine Feminine & our Divine Masculine combined. It is the fountainhead of Grace.



Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
Guides await our instructions, requests, & wishes. Some, assigned at our birth, others are appointed for a time or a task. There really isn’t such a thing as time, they await us in the ever present, the now. Call on them with loving intent & watch for their signs. The Sangoma shows up, awakening us to our developing ability to channel. If we receive a message for another, we have the opportunity of acting with Spirit to pass it along. It is a great day to practice our mediumship skills or attend a seminar. As we move through the Yuletide season the presence of our passed loved ones may feel very near. Watch for signs as they visit us, & watch over us.

Address—Guides await our instructions, requests, & wishes.
Bless—The Sangoma shows up, awakening us to our developing ability to channel.
Release—Watch for signs, our passed loved ones may feel very near.



Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
Trust the universe is working to bring us the experiences we need. Acting as if something is already manifested, creates the vibration to attract more of the same. The words we speak creates our reality. Is it time to inventory the messages we tell ourselves? Acting, speaking, & trusting creates a powerful, almost irresistible alignment. Change is on the way. It is up to us the form it takes. Self-care now; ground & avoid drama. Be generous with kind words & compliments. Our loving, healing words reverberate, cutting through the noise. The universe mirrors back our words of strength, abundance, & joy. The beginner mind helps us approach our situations with innocence & curiosity.

Address—Is it time to inventory the messages we tell ourselves?
Bless—Self-care now; ground & avoid drama.
Release—Be generous with kind words & compliments.



Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
A Violet flame appears so we may transmute what is old and stuck, into something of a higher frequency. When humanity started to raise its frequency, the violet flame merged with the silver flame of Grace and harmony, and then the gold ray to become the golden silver violet flame. This brings transmutation with grace and wisdom. Recently, archangels, combined their energies to create the ninth dimensional cosmic diamond violet flame. This is a powerful, ascension tool. The unicorn is guiding us to invoke the violet flame, to wash away any dense energies in and around us, including old, karmic energies or contracts that no longer serve us. Ask it to transmute everything right down to a cellular level that is not vibrating with love. Then call for a shimmering, Cosmic, Diamond Violet Flame to be placed over us. Ask our unicorn to illuminate, and it will raise us, purified & shining, to a much higher ascension frequency. When we have done so, send it under grace to others, to situations, & places to release the old. Visualize it coming down through the trees, & spreading through the land & water to transmute stuck energy in the earth. The rain has gone. A beautiful rainbow, a cosmic symbol of hope, is now appearing in our sky. This card reminds us to stay optimistic. Be positive, expectant, and full of faith for something unexpected lies ahead. The Cosmic Pearl relays to us the messages of water. It is created by the forces of irritation & waters’ movement. It opens the third eye for psychic communication connecting the causal chakra (or past life chakra) located 3 to 4 inches behind the centre back of the head. The colour is pearly white, and it vibrates in the fourth dimension. This chakra is governed by the Archangel Christiel & we may ask him for help with silencing the chatter of our mind, & clearly receive Divine.

Address—Call for a shimmering, Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame to be placed over us.
Bless—Be positive, expectant, and full of faith for something unexpected lies ahead.
Release—Cosmic Pearl opens our causal chakra.



Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
Being soft, gentle, & nurturing like water, may be far more powerful than being inflexible & fierce. Parvati is Shiva’s wife, & holds his trident, the emotional strength. Parvati is the goddess of fertility, love, and devotion. She is the goddess figure of divine strength and power, the nurturing aspect of Shakti, the feminine energy. Lilith(lil-It) embodies our sovereignty. As the first woman in Jewish folklore, & Adam‘s first wife, he expected her to be subservient, & she refused. Lilith embodies the emotional & spiritual aspect of our unconscious or unrealized desires; our sensuality, and unbridled sexuality. She owns her body & soul completely. She is an icon of freedom & sovereignty. Lilith asks us, “what would happen if we left everything behind?” What prevents us from experiencing all that we desire? Is it our definition of what it means to be a woman? As Lilith refused to settle, she is asking us to question our truth, and our actions. The goddess of self knowledge, Saraswati comes to students appealing to her for assistance on exams. Writers, artists, & creatives pray to her to remove obstacles that keep them from being a clear conduit for creativity. She is considered to be a River Goddess, & like Parvati, she rules the healing, flowing waters. She is venerated as the goddess of music, the arts, & learning. Because of this association with waters that heal and purify, her symbol is the white lotus of purity & wisdom. That energy feels like a river moving through us. It heals. It liberates. It inspires us to return to our own essence.

Address— Being soft, gentle, & nurturing like water; far more powerful than being inflexible & fierce.
Bless—What prevents us from all that we desire?
Release—A river moving through us. It heals. It liberates.



Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
If we are waiting for things to settle before we experience our joy, we may be waiting a long time. Open our hearts in celebration. Who told us that we need to suffer to grow? Our soul expands leaps and bounds by following our bliss and expressing our love. Life is always changing. If we don’t follow our bliss now, when will we? Embracing our joy spreads like wildfire, and helps to heal the world. Life is about change. Look for the joy in the moment. Believe in magic! We are being given powerful, mystical messages from spirit. take time to listen. Allow the receptive energy of the moon to activate our creativity. Frog spirit has jumped in to our spread to say now is the time of renewal. Be willing to release any notions of how life should be. Now is the time to be adaptable. Willing to change? Abundance and good fortune will follow.

Address—Life is about change. Look for the joy in the moment.
Bless—Believe in magic!
Release—Willing to change? Abundance and good fortune will follow.



Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
This last energy surge of the lunar month reminds us of the power of our manifesting when our game is clean across many planes of reality. Our compass is restored & we set sail toward our horizon. Conforming to social mores got us nowhere. Now we mark our own destination. Pay attention to the senses around us. Does the smell of the holidays ignite our memories? Soak in all the sensations as our Clair’s awaken to the Spirit alive in everything. Work on clearing the intuitive third eye, & the spiritual heart on the right side of the chest. Sense the pink tendrils of unconditional love, invite the Guides to assist us in connecting the 3rd & 5th dimension. Our thoughts draw toward the ancestors. We walk in their footsteps, their blood circulates in our veins. We descend from a lineage of healers, holy men & women, shamans, & the bearers of ancient truth’s. Someone is calling our name. Within the pith of the family tree, lies the answer we seek. Call on them, reach for them, & they will appear in signs, symbols, & repetitive numbers.

Address—Our compass is restored & we set sail toward our horizon.
Bless—Work on clearing the intuitive third eye, & the spiritual heart.
Release—Within the pith of the family tree, lies the answer we seek.



Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
Apollo, the Greek, god of light and prophets, comes to deliver us a message straight from the Oracle. On Mount Parnassian the temple still stands today. Apollo is our Divine Guide to sacred signs and symbols. His personal symbols include the wolf, dolphin, swan, laurel crown, golden lyre, & silver bow. Brigid has come to carry our dreams across the threshold. She appears when we are healing, & learning to be healers. It’s a role that helps us call in our own highest vision of health & well-being. The powerful ancient healer inside of us may be scared of coming forwards. We may be fearful of ridicule, criticism, or punishment. Long ago, the deep knowledge we carry was stolen, discredited, and used against us. But it’s safe now to light up the world with our healing gifts. We are here to facilitate deep healing for all beings. Do we hear the true needs of our soul? Do they whisper, or do they have to scream to be heard? Are we pushing ourselves to be perfect? The feminine voice of our heart, body, and spirit has been drowned out. She now needs to be heard. Visualize Quan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion, bathed in a peach coloured radiance. Allow any guilt about being cared for, melt away. Imagine a glorious cup inside of us being abundantly refilled by this gentle light. It’s time to prioritize receiving. Receive love, friendship, self-care, nurturing, food, gifts, compliments, relaxation, fun, and healthy pleasures. What we are seeking will only come from loving our self just as we are.

Address— Apollo is our Divine Guide to sacred signs and symbols.
Bless—Brigid appears to heal us, & teach us to be healers
Release— Allow any guilt about being cared for, melt away.



Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
The Divine Masculine appears reminding us of the outer process of creation. Hermes, the celestial guide, inspires our creativity. He does this by aligning us with our visions. After all, dreaming is a form of planning. It doesn’t matter what form creativity takes. Surrender & delight in our imagination. Forget perfection, immerse in the unique expression of our authenticity. It’s time to shoot for the stars. Our desire & inspiration will ensure the success we deserve. Radiate our vision with self-confidence. Maintain our magical momentum with unwavering faith. Stay on track by trusting the Divine plan. Our courageous zeal attracts the resources required. Our triumph will be our legacy. Atlas carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. He is the Father in the Sky. He comes when it is time to heal & unify the Divine Masculine in our world. Maybe we need to forgive a father figure in order for us to complete our transformation. Perhaps we have just too much on our plate. Surrender it to Atlas. Whatever it may be, it’s time to release, surrender, and delegate. Atlas supports our higher path, call on him to make energetic space for passion, purpose, & abundance in every area of our life.

Address—Hermes, the celestial guide, inspires our creativity.
Bless—Radiate our vision with self-confidence.
Release—Heal & unify the Divine Masculine. Do we need to forgive a father figure?



Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
Like water in the stream navigates the stones; we have been walking very carefully, navigating troubles. This card speaks of a time of growing awareness and decisiveness. Now it is time to take the necessary steps to move toward a resolution. Perhaps it is time to open a retirement account or try a new exercise program. This card is telling us to look ahead and prioritize all the steps that will enhance the quality of our life now and into the future. Spirit mentors are always available to help us express and expand our skills and talents. If someone in history has excelled at an endeavour that we’re pursuing, we can call on that that entity by name. Many times, a talent guide will be attracted to the energy we resonate with our project. Don’t assume we’re making it up if we receive inspiration from them. Whether we’re interested in art, music, math, cooking, or even quantum physics, these entities could provide a pipeline of unlimited guidance for us, in fact, we may have known these masters in our past lives. These talented beings are reaching across the planes to directly inspire us. Will we open our psychic door and let them in? Another guide appears, this one has to do with travel & our location. We all have a journey guide. Ours may be a past life connection, with a being we have traveled with many times & on many planes. Or it could be an Angel or Beloved Ancestor. Call on our journey guide for assistance with travel details, then relax & enjoy the trip.

Address—Take the necessary steps to move toward a resolution.
Bless—Talented beings reach across the planes; directly inspire us.
Release—Call on our journey guide for assistance with travel details, then relax & enjoy the trip.



Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
Is the world presenting a new perspective to us? Do we feel that our senses are brighter & more alive? Integrating the mental & physical & spiritual, aligns us with the energies of the planet. Colours become brighter, sounds become crisper, & our emotional state becomes calm like a bubbling brook. Be here now. Be in the ever present now. Leave the past and its traps behind. Forget about conjuring a future with images in our mind. Feel ourself into the new era. We understand the material plane and its treasures & traps better than any other generation. Now through presence & embodiment our view expands to include an array of experiences independent of wealth & status. Heartfelt, settled, & accepting of the explosion of factors & components. The human lineage is expanding from Species to Kingdom; it is causing friction as we realize we are all swans searching for our path to our people. Sensitivity, openness, emotional awareness; the cornerstones of vulnerability. Contrary to the idea that vulnerability is a weakness, it is a strength & an indicator of an open system, allowing the back-and-forth flow of information.

Address—Do we feel that our senses are brighter & more alive?
Bless—Our view expands to include an array of experiences independent of wealth & status.
Release—We are all swans searching for our path to our people.



Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
Be peaceful and take our time. Know that we will receive guidance about when to start a new chapter of our life. If we become impatient & want to push to create what we desire, redirect our attention to leisure activities. Find ways to occupy ourselves, so we can regain our sense of Self & find the gift in the process. The turtles in this card represent inner power and the ability of the human spirit to overcome any difficulty. This card is about knowing that we can bear life’s obstacles by drawing upon our inner strength & Self-belief. Demonstrate composure & maturity through the choices we make. We are more than capable of getting through what lies ahead. We are at a crossroads & asked to look at the path we are on. Our confidence is at a peak point, & once we discover what we’re passionate about, we are unstoppable. Our motivation is the purpose we wake up with in the morning. We may have specific goals or objectives in mind as we start our day. Live life on our terms & fill ourselves up with enthusiasm & joy for our endeavours. Think about the things we enjoy doing, and what we dream about doing. In these ideals, we will find the keys to what we wish to create. The flame angelfish helps us to reconnect to our inner fire, & pursuing the things that ignite our heart. The universe is our doting mother. We are safe to the core of our very being. The brave, bold, & willing to strut our individuality. Throughout the ages, dolphins have been portrayed as the protectors of sacred wells & sacred water. The dolphin, in Celtic lore, is the watcher of the waters & the Guardian of all things connected with water. Dolphins are among the most intelligent animals. Most dolphins have heightened eyesight, both in and out of water, & they can hear sound vibrations 10 times higher than the maximum level of the human’s range. Dolphins tend to travel in groups referred to as pods & have rescued humans & other sea life. Trust that we are surrounded by their protection & love.

Address—Be peaceful and take our time.
Bless—Reconnect to our inner fire, & pursuing the things that ignite our heart.
Release—We are safe to the core of our very being.



Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
We have arrived at a place where we are very grounded in our life. Our ideal home is in the process of manifesting, & we are setting roots where we are. This reflects the deep healing work we have done to undo the ancestral ties that were previously holding us back. When we heal our personal life, we heal the lives of all those who came before us, & all those who come after us. Ancestral hardship, such as poverty, immigration, war, slavery, & abuse, will come to an end, & we have set the path, for a new way of being for all of our ancestors to come. Thank you, thank us, thank them, for doing this work & anchoring deeply within. It is only when we heal the root that the tree can grow. Hanuman, the Monkey God has come to speak to us of courage. When we believe we are more than the body, the Soul, & the Spirit & know we are a spark of the eternal; more than the physical body, our ego, our personality, even our Soul. The truth is that we are Divine, split from the same source. Have we begun walking on the path of devotion? Are we devoted to something greater than the self, our body, our possessions, or our desires? If so, this dedication is to the Divine. Now is the time to ask ourself, “what does divinity mean to me? When do I feel close to Divine?” We may want to try the paths to Bhakti yoga: Kirtan(devotional mantras), meditation, prayer to the gods & goddesses, offering service to those in need, & spending time in nature.

Address—When we heal our personal life, we heal the lives of all those who came before us.
Bless—We set upon the path of devotion.
Release—“When do I feel close to Divine?”



Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
Recent events, trying as they were, present the first opportunity to be resolved. If we have used the planetary influences to our advantage, no matter the weather, we wake up to a bright new morning. Whether we are in the spring or the fall, know that this garden is fertile, & has everything that we need to grow into our future. Our magic is an opportunity to care for both the spiritual being & the human vessel. When we believe we’re not going as fast as we should, as far as we should, & our intentions are clear, it can be our attitude towards our self that needs to be softened. As we are out there, sending our sparks into the world, try not to burn the house down.

Address—Wake up to a bright new morning.
Bless—This garden is fertile.
Release—Out there, sending our sparks into the world, try not to burn the house down.



Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
Flood dreams signify feeling over our head with emotion. Or we may be drenched with a torrential to-do list. We may feel overly abundant and think that we can’t handle all of this. As our subconscious expands our capacity to receive and transform, we become a more bountiful version of ourselves, if we are undergoing a radical change, let it happen let ourselves cry and ride the wave of transformation. The cell phone shows up to tell us that we are exploring our telepathic connections. Is there someone calling us, or are we reaching out to connect? Our Guide tells us that we are connecting with the highest part of our Self the part that has “been there and done that.” The Guide comes symbolizing, our higher wisdom, confidence, clarity, certainty, and the answers to our questions, with a take charge kind of a power. This part of us helps us traverse even the most treacherous terrain with grace and ease. The Guide is our Northstar, our Highest Self’s compass. It is here to show us the way out of no way.

Address—our subconscious expands our capacity to receive and transform, into a more bountiful version of ourselves.
Bless—Is someone calling us, or are we reaching out to connect?
Release—The Guide is our Northstar, here to show us the way out of no-way.



Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
Grief, unprocessed desire, & loss cracks open the frozen heart, melting it, growing it. It is a necessary process, & each of us dances in our own way with grief. If we feel it in ourselves welling up, let it continue past the heart & through the throat chakra up into the pineal gland, the third eye, up into the crown & just above the crown there is another little swirling golden chakra, From here we can access everything. Rising above ourselves, seeing ourselves as more than just the physical in the material world, we gain perspective on our lives. The goal is not to run from what causes us pain & discomfort. The task is to stay in the present, & don’t get ahead of ourselves, or trapped in the past. Awakening; “oh my Lord, wake me from my life as a spiritual sheep. May I hear you through my own instinct and common sense.” We are awakening to our own good sense. We are learning that we are more than the physical, the spiritual, and the ethereal. Planes of existence lie within more planes of existence. In the ancient Vedas, they describe these almost like trees, each branch, branching off 10-12 times, & each 10-12 branching themselves off 10-12 times, & on & on. We may awaken to one plane of existence & be unaware of the others. The human mind, although it is enormously fascinating, is limited in its capacity by the organs & their connections. So therefore, we only see what our eye allows us to see. We only see the spectrum that the eye can sense. We only know things as dark like the night, & light like the day. We are programmed. Our software brain is programmed along these lines just like zeros and ones; light & dark, good & bad, there are so many other dimensions to explore, & today we are asked to awaken to the array of possibility. That we may re-create ourselves upon each waking, & in each moment, when we choose to turn it on, or turn it off.

Address—Grief, unprocessed desire, & loss cracks open the frozen heart.
Bless—The task is to stay in the present.
Release—We may re-create ourselves upon each waking, & in each moment.



Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
Allow Ascension Master Goddess Isis to resurrect our spirit into a life filled with more love. Assist her to release the guilt surrounding self acceptance & family matters. Her presence is magic; automatically uplifting, protecting those that seek her wisdom & guidance. She speaks to us of release. Surrender feelings of guilt, mistrust, & vulnerability to her in sacred giveaway. Our Spirit Guides continue to send us signs. At birth, we are assigned a Spiritual Guide. As we grow new Guides step forward to assist us in specific tasks, transformations, passions, & awakenings. Guides are found in the animal kingdom, the angelic plane, in Ascended Masters, or in Teachers. They will come to us in synchronicities, with signs, in Vision Quest, & in serendipitous moments. Their message is to listen more & speak less. The language of light is written among sound waves & frequencies. Objects with high resonance fall within the light language, & are multi-dimensional. When studying the language of light, we find symbols, numbers, & geometry, take central stage. Water spirits, such as dolphins, whales, & seahorses have unique alignments with light languages. They emit high frequency sound waves that shatter dense energy fields with precision & purpose. The Galactic Guides request us to immerse ourselves in the higher frequencies, uplifting our Soul & Spirit, improving our vitality. The message is: re-discover the old & ancient. Find creative ways to reduce waste, & upcycle to help the environment. This simple act makes room for new energy, bringing joy back to our life. Just as with learning a new language, try not to get lost in spirit translation; practice moderation & compassion.

Address—Allow Isis to resurrect our spirit into love.
Bless—Listen more & speak less.
Release—Find creative ways to reduce waste, & up-cycle. This simple act makes room for new energy, bringing joy back to our life.



Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
Our artistic juices are flowing. Make some time for to paint, write, sing, play, or build a little bit every day. Even if we only find a few minutes at a time, regularly engaging, our imagination will make a noticeable difference to our energy. We don’t have to be an artist, musician, or a chef. When we start thinking creatively, we invite inspiration, and ingenuity to all that we do. Unlocking, our imagination opens us to the healing energy of the universe. Creativity connects us to our passions through our solar plexus & our sexual chakras. It is linked to the life force, and the movement of energy. When we are not using our creativity, we start to feel restless, frustrated, or numb. We re-energize ourselves by planting, crafting, singing, playing, or thinking outside of the box. If we have a difficult situation, we’re asked to think outside the box and find a unique solution to our problem. Dance is a sacrament and a celebration of our lives. The Hawaiian Hulu begins with Ritual blessings, prayers, singing & chanting to honour the goddess & then the hula to connect them. We are encouraged to ground our spiritual endeavours through breath and body work. Our physical body needs our attention. Low impact exercises, such as yoga, swimming, dancing, or tai chi will improve our coordination, build muscle strength, & help us focus on our breathing. Moving our body is powerful, and it enables us to become more connected with our spiritual self. In feng shui, every living and nonliving thing has its own energy. People sought to create safe, positive spaces for themselves. When we feel emotionally overwhelmed, physically drained, or bombarded by negativity, take notice, and make a change. Reorder our schedule, re-orient our priorities, or reorganize our space. These will improve the flow of our life. If there are objects that trigger memories or feelings that lower our mood or confidence, remove them from view. We need not hold onto negativity from the past & may now release it with love at the full moon.

Address—Our artistic juices are flowing.
Bless—Our physical body needs our attention.
Release—We need not hold onto negativity from the past & may now release it with love at the full moon.



Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
The time of sacred giveaway begins. Stability depends on the passage of seasons both for the planet & within our own lives. As we enter the winter in the northern hemisphere, those of us in the southern hemisphere prepare to enter the summer. Know that wherever we are, we add to the stability of this illusion. The moment we allow it to be & settle into being, we find our way to the bliss of equilibrium. Who do we serve? A child, a spouse, a boss, a board? It is in service & generosity we find self-love. The way grew tangled, we couldn’t see the sun, then the clouds parted. At moments we thought all was lost. In the middle of the muddle, we had no other choice, we let go. We walked between the stones, setting each curve & line to memory, for now we leave the garden of illusion forever. With a passion worth serving, we set off into a new adventure.

Address—The time of sacred giveaway begins.
Bless—It is in service & generosity we find self-love.
Release—With a passion worth serving, we set off, into a new adventure.



Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
Our lives are perfect in their imperfection. We are asked to see our life as a series of opportunities rather than an obstacle course. Mastering the skill of non-judgment, we open up to the power of our curiosity, & unburden ourselves of yesterday’s fears & rise to meet our fate. Meeting our fate expands our influence & our capacity for abundance. In order to bring our destiny to fruition, we must jump into the adventure with both feet & do our part. One thing passes, as another rises & emerges. Do not be afraid. We’ve come to the edge, now we let go of what doesn’t serve us, & all the ways in which we’ve kept ourselves from truly living. Intimacy requires vulnerability & truth. We are asked to strip away the masks & barriers of false strength, & discover what we’re really made of. The Fortune’s Wheel appears when we are in tune with the turning of the wheel. We have the magic touch, & everything turns to gold.

Address—Our lives are perfect in their imperfection.
Bless—In order to bring our destiny to fruition, we must jump into the adventure with both feet & do our part.
Release—We have the magic touch, & everything turns to gold.


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