
Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Purge doubt, guilt, & fear. Transmute the heaviness into floating hearts. Turn repulsion into adoration. There is only one reason we become unhappy. We judge the human part, forgetting that the Soul is fallible too. The collective consciousness learns & realigns with every new experience added to the whole. In our dreams we live out scenarios and possibilities. Our animal ascribes certain feelings to the scenarios, that are only kaleidoscopic visions of possibilities. Think of an embarrassing or highly charged situation. After the charged moment winds down, we go over the situation in our mind. How did we perform? How could we have nailed it closer to our true intent? This is a microcosm of what transpires in Dreamtime. The difference is in the emotional intensity. The human animal is a mix of high intellect & high drama. The Soul & the monad, or personal spark, are of a different essence. They are love. This love is not emotion, it is of spiritual substance. It matters neither who we are or what we do, this love is available to all, for it is All, the true substance of the universe. It is the human, born and trained to see the world in these dualities of us and them, good and evil, positive and negative, light and dark, acceptable and reject-able. They are the substance of the animal ego. The turning of the planet, Her lunar tides & polarities, create the same movements in our lives & psyches. ‘As above, so below.’ Rest in the knowledge that we are neither created or destroyed, we are transmuted & transformed. We come from love, then we return to love—the rest is illusion. Our inner Shaman takes our hand, initiating us at the crystal anchor. Gazing into fire, watching the waves & ripples of water, standing in the wind & feeling it gust & blow through the aura, holding fast to the Earth & her crystalline iron core with a choice crystal, following the cycles of the Moon; these are simple forms of Shamanic Soul retrieval. Emerging from the illusions we meet our Spirit Guides. Once we connect to this realm of helpers we begin seeing animals & signs everywhere we look. Were they always there, waiting for us to see? There all along, only we weren’t looking in their direction? They wait on our attention. Ask for a guide if we need one, or if we need help on a specific issue call in an Ascended Master or a specialist.

Address—We judge the human part, forgetting that the Soul is fallible too.
Bless—Our inner Shaman takes our hand, initiating us at the crystal anchor.
Release—Emerging from the illusions we meet our Spirit Guides.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Allowing ourselves to drop deep into heart-space, we feel an interconnected state of oneness. Conflicts, resolve, power struggles dissolve, & a sense of inner peace & comfort will radiate from within. Love is the root of happiness. We may fluidly give, and receive with the same ease as that of breathing in and out. When we manifest or affirm something from love, it reflects our own loving intent. Our glimpses of higher awareness can be followed by periods of intensity as we return to normal. These uncomfortable experiences are shadow elements.  Aligning with the higher vibrations, these drop away so we can maintain our new frequency. Our sensitivity is heightened, so it may be harder to spend time in places with frantic activity. We learn to protect & maintain the energy we cultivate in ourselves. Not for fear, but through a healthy awareness of what is ours, & what is the energy of others. Just as we keep our body fit and healthy, it is good to ensure our energy field is free from anything that no longer serves us. There are many ways to clear our energy field. We may see an energy healer or learn clearing methods that we can do on ourselves. It’s important for us to learn how to kickstart a positive vibration so we can gain perspective. This is a key to flowing through situations that seem overwhelming or unsurmountable. We may work with the Violet flame to transmute anything that is not for our highest good into love, The flame is simple to visualize and a powerful tool that can be used at any time. To bring something into our life, we become the vibrational match for it, imagine that it is already manifested, & prepare for the results with certainty.

Address—Conflicts, resolve, power struggles dissolve, & a sense of inner peace radiates from within.
Bless—Violet flame transmutes everything  into love.
Release—We are a vibrational match for what we manifest.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Do we protect the innocent? Are we in a battle for the sake of love? Our devotion brings us the courage to rise to the task. Sorrow & illness bring us an appreciation of the interior. The place where we may find our Soul. Only to realize the Soul is everywhere, a monad of the  whole, as a drop of water in a vast ocean. The door to the interior castle is found in prayer & meditation. Within the centre of the self we find the Soul. On this path we feel a need to unite our opposites, finding a communion between our humanity & our divinity.

Address—Our devotion brings us the courage to rise to the task.
Bless— The place where we may find our Soul.
Release—Finding a communion between our humanity & our divinity.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Our Soul calls us to take control of our emotions. Without building walls or imposing limitations we may remain calm and serene to our innermost feelings. Once we bring calm into our world and master it, our feelings begin to govern our Soul path. Surrender completely to life and the creativity deep within us. The path of the Soul is the path of the Heart. Both lie in a dimension that our minds are unable to comprehend. Our Soul is eternal. It flows through the cosmos and touches everything It knows neither time nor space, neither death nor life, which is precisely why we are here. It is not our Soul that is within us, instead it is we who are within our Soul. Learning to trust our Soul has chosen this precise life as it saw the immense diversity that we offer. Now is the time to stop railing against things. Acceptance is the key that will open the door, it is the next step forward in our destiny. Both life and our Soul path have their secrets. The path can be challenging and it is at these times that we learn how interconnected we are. Divine Source wishes to teach us about this connectedness, and we learn best along the parts of our Soul path that are rocky, unsafe, or even scary. Set lamentation aside. There are allies who touch us deeply with their empathy and willingness to help in the times when we feel stretched and in need. If our path seems difficult, this is an opportunity for us to forge those links with others, in order to grow beyond ourselves, learn to help each other, and to take turns being the supported and the supportive. We consciously seek out allies and fellow travellers outside of our world, and bring them in from all times, and all directions. We may call upon them and accept their powers and their good advice. 

Address— Our Soul calls us to take control of our emotions.
Bless—Now is the time to stop railing against things.
Release—We consciously seek out allies and fellow travellers outside of our world.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Come dance with the Divine. Fall into the arms of the Beloved. Radha appears to tell us to follow the longings of our heart. Come play in the divinity of the body. If we neglected the Beloved up till now, this is the best time to reconnect. Our discipline will continue to take us where we need to go, & we may always depend on it as one of our tools as we practice & work. Now we must play, allow ourselves to be lost in the Divine dance of Romance; for love is just us experiencing our own soul in another body. This interlude prompts us to deeper joy & success. It breaks the old karmic blocks to loving ourself, & in kind, gratitude blooms as the lotus of our spiritual heart opens. Follow the bliss, let the rest fall away, as Ganesha clears our way forward.  

Address—Fall into the arms of the Beloved.
Bless—Now we may play the game of Romance.
Release—& Break the old karmic blocks to loving ourself.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

This is not the train wreck that we’ve been waiting for. This is in fact Divine Intervention. Our Guides & our Higher Self, they’ve got this under control. Things can get a little messy before they get cleared up. What is coming is better than anything we dared to dream. It is worth the wait, patience, and faith. We will prevail. If we thought we knew how this was going to turn out, now is the time to give that up. Our current plan turns out to be not as good as we thought it was at first blush. The details might need to be rethought or maybe we’ve just not gotten around to the finer points and the time to do so is now. The Divine wants us to live a life of joy. Is it possible that what we think would give us joy is incorrect? Or may there be more joy available, if our plans were to change? Let it go to our Angels, our Guardians, and our Guides. Our presence itself is a gift to the world. We possess the grace and wisdom necessary to help.  We need not be engaged in a direct, hands-on or traditional method of support, assistance, or healthcare; yet we present an example of compassionate, non-judgmental living that people learn from just by being around us. Is it time we stepped out of our comfort zone & mentor those who are struggling in the world? What we learned, allowed us to make it through our difficulties and challenges, and now we may share it with others, become a beacon, a guide out of difficult times.

Address— This is not the train wreck that we’ve been waiting for.
Bless—May there be more joy available, if our plans were to change?
Release— Become a beacon, a guide out of difficult times.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

A great revelation. Grace comes when we are up to our armpits in alligators. Muddling through isn’t fun, yet its rewards far surpass the inconvenience. Draw the attention to the center of the present moment. Slow & deepen the breath. Try to find the internal spark in the middle of our body. Keep looking for the nadir, the point where Body-Soul-Spirit conjoin. Forget the search for material substance, turn the gaze inward & everything is at our feet. We no longer quest for the external comforts. They are necessary & we procure what we need, yet it’s not the point of the game. The focus moves from acquisition to exploration. Heed the words of the ancients engraved in the temples, to ‘Know Thyself’ & ‘Practice Moderation.’ The living vehicle of our enlightenment obeys laws, & depends on our care. Learn its true needs & its adaptive capacity. Co-create our new reality into being. Pay attention to the signs from nature, like butterflies, feathers, cloud formations, & repetitive numbers. It is our time to prioritize ourself. Listen & watch for signs from the universe, then make the decision that points toward our joy. When we finally let go of the outcomes, we get prosperity’s attention, & it finds open routes to our heart. Send out our worries on garlands of loving hearts, surrender the results to the universe, practice loving awareness & get on with the day to day cares.

Address— Keep looking for the nadir-point where Body-Soul-Spirit conjoin.
Bless—Heed the words of the ancients engraved in the temples, ‘Know Thyself’ & ‘Practice Moderation.’
Release—Send our worries garlands of loving hearts.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

It seems like everyone else is in love. The dolphins show up today to tell us not to give up on our love. Just as the sun rises and sets every day, so relationships go through their ups and downs. Learn to see it as the natural flow. If we are single, are we prepared for the relationship we dream of? Ready or not, our relationships deepen. New ones grow more serious, & established relationships explore new territory. Keep our heart open to new people today. We may feel that our prayers aren’t being heard. It may be a matter of Divine timing. Don’t give up, we are closer than we know. Our prayers will soon see a result & we will forget how close we were to letting then go.

Address— Ready or not, our relationships deepen.
Bless—Keep our heart open to new people today.
Release—Don’t give up, we are closer than we know.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

At times, facing our true thoughts and emotions can be difficult, or troubling. It’s important that we realize the feelings for what they are. Being honest, with ourselves means looking with clear eyes at the stories?we’ve been telling ourselves & others. Knowing our truth, doesn’t mean revealing our truth to others right away. Some situations call for sharing,  and it can sometimes be hard to tell what our current circumstances are dictating. If we have feelings we choose to keep a secret, ask ourselves why that is. Watch for signs and little pangs of emotion that show us what is real and what is not. First we make the statement to ourselves, feel if it is true, or not, sit with it, and then, if it’s meant to be shared, we will share it. Did we get in there and try to push for an outcome? It is time to stop micromanaging everything & have faith that our angels have the situation under control. If it seems like we’ve been pulled this way and that way lately it’s time for us to take the reins and regain our focus. When daily chores and little niggling worries are taking over our minds, we may call on Metatron’s power as master organizer & time keeper.

Address— Knowing our truth, doesn’t mean revealing it to others right away.
Bless— It is time to stop micromanaging.
Release— we may call on Metatron’s power as master organizer & time keeper.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Spiritual engineering is going on as we sleep. How are we achieving this new consciousness? We are creating it in a threefold manner. First through purification, followed by contemplation, until wisdom is acquired. Cycle begins again with more purification, followed by more contemplation, until more wisdom is acquired, again, and on and on and on, as we integrate the Soul into the human body. What we’re doing is not escaping our human bonds. The whole idea is to become a peaceful human and an embodied human. The ‘illustratum’, the illuminated or enlightened human. The central pillar is contemplation. Prayer is a form of contemplation. It is an important discussion that we have between the ego, the Soul, and the All(substantial reality). It is a tool for resisting duality & judgment. Prayerful contemplation on the authentic expression of our Soul. We see ourselves a colourful droplet in the rainbow of humanity. Our appreciation for the gift of a life is fulfilled by our unique expression. The archangel Uriel visits us with an epiphany. We leave fear, doubt, & insecurity behind when we trust the healing offered us at this time. Golden light, objects that glitter, bring insights & inspiration.

Address—Prayer, a form of contemplation & an important discussion between the ego, the Soul, and the All(substantial reality.
Bless—Be a unique expression.
Release—Golden light, glittery objects, bring insights & inspiration.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Even the perfect path is never without a few bumps. As we live on the grace of other beings, so they live on our grace as well. Cast away doubt. This is our path. Keep moving forward and know that Michael’s sword is clearing the way for us. Minor adjustments will be necessary, yet the divine message is no matter what laugh at the slight setbacks if we can, and keep things in perspective. The universe is not telling us to give up. This is just a temporary rough patch. Keep moving.  Whatever we focus our thoughts on, our fears, or our hopes, is what we will bring into our reality. If we find ourselves in negative self dialogue, it’s time to change the subject, regardless of who started the conversation. The key is to not go down the rabbit hole in the first place so when we’re faced with something that worries us immediately imagine the opposite happening, we have the ability to disconnect from fear and quiet our ego. When we’re trying to use the power of our thoughts to our advantage, let Michael help. With a little practice expecting the good things to happen, we are no longer amazed when they do. In this moment, and any moment we need help, we may call on the Archangels. Take a deep breath and try to let the worries on whatever the topic is just fade away. There’s no need to pause our plans, we continue to move forward with confidence and in peace. However, if we do feel the need for a break or a rest, this is a perfect time to do so . We are in the arms of our Guardian Angel team and they will care for us and move us in the right direction. Know in our heart of hearts that all is going to be well. And if we need a sign, we can ask for that too.

Address— As we live on the grace of other beings, so they live on our grace as well.
Bless— If we find ourselves in negative self dialogue, it’s time to change the subject.
Release—If we need a sign, we can ask.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

The doors open wide for us. What seemed an endless road is here at last in its own perfect time. We may feel deja vu, or a piece of the puzzle neatly fall into place. See the golden coins, they transport us to a future abundance when we stick to the plan. Reach for the stars. The Soul is evolving our human bodies, it is for us to sit still long enough for the transformation to occur. Forget what we ‘should’ be doing & get on with what lights us up. The Divine spark resides in each of us. It longs to express its gifts, attract experiences, and move from the stagnancy of duality into the motion of higher geometries. Our loved ones on the other side of the veil want us to know they are safe. They watch over us & we need only think of them & they are with us still. The Akashic records hold every memory & every possibility of the past, present, & future. Our loved ones work to hold this form until each spark knows it’s way home.

Address—We feel deja vu, or a piece of the puzzle neatly fall into place.
Bless—Move from stagnancy & duality into the motion of higher geometries.
Release—Our loved ones work to hold this form until each spark knows its way home.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Today we notice all of the people who support the culture that we live in. We notice the young man who holds the door as we enter and leave, the clerk, or the garbage collector. Pay attention to our self talk our dreams, conversations, and our other forms of communication. Guidance may come from our community, our spiritual support, or our awareness of the interwoven fabric of our lives. The parrot fish is a brilliant and vibrant fish  eat coral, and as it eats the coral, it digests it into little bits, and as it excretes it, the sand for our beaches is created. so like the parrot fish we can break through the rock, the impermeable the impenetrable in our lives, little by little with the help of all of the underpinnings and intricacies of interdependence. We are called to investigate our habits today. How are they affecting us? Do they make us feel more accomplished and fulfilled? Today is a good day to make the necessary adjustments, evaluate our goals and set some new ones. Whether it’s waking up five minutes earlier to do a gratitude, or creating a calendar to help track our progress, our willingness to be thorough will pay off in the long run. As the humpback whales are the record-keepers, they have one of the longest migration routes at around 5000 km. They remind us to keep moving, even when the journey seems daunting, even when it seems we are not getting ahead. the killer whale asks us to disengage from our outcomes. If we feel that we’ve been over reacting, it may be time to forgive ourselves, allow ourselves to learn from the situation, and continue moving forward. We can conquer any pain that comes our way understanding it is here to help us grow. If we have been betrayed, and do not think that we could ever love again, challenge that belief. If we’re feeling edgy, adjust our diet, our sleep, and our environment. We will be back to the truth of who we are in no time.

Address—We notice all of the people who support the culture that we live in.
Bless—Our willingness to be thorough will pay off in the long run.
Release—If we’re feeling edgy, adjust our diet, our sleep, and our environment.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Our answers come in the silence of meditation & the Dreamtime. Using our powers of emoting without speaking, we connect to the present moment, deepening our awareness of our body. The truest transmissions of the transition are pointing to an integration of body & spirit. Embodying our full potential as the ‘illustratum’ rather than as a bodiless being. Embrace the concept that we are safe here in the lap of our Mother. Trust we are safe. In the safety of the present moment, in solitude, in refuge, we discover our patience. Go deep into the quiet, slowing our movements until we see the grace shining through. Matching ourselves with the flow, we drift in peace. The walrus lives in two worlds, land and sea. The body is a symbiotic community of organisms & cells. What we eat creates the physical form, how we think creates emotional results, how open our heart is produces spiritual results. Connecting head & heart & gut creates a triangulation. Move from duality to the next era of triplicity. Duality is only as real as we make it.  

Address—Our answers come in the silence of meditation & the Dreamtime.
Bless—Go deep into the quiet, slowing our movements until we see the grace shining through.
Release—Duality is only as real as we make it.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Our dexterity, grace, & a new mastery of disguise open the doors of opportunity. Like the octopus we slip in & out unseen. Is it time to push a student into the limelight? moving us on to our own new heights. Our roles in life are shifting as the gate is opening for the 300 year long transition from the Ascending Kali Yuga into the beginning of our next Bronze Age, the Ascending Dwapara Yuga. In our abundance we contemplate our roles as advisor, guide, & wisdom keeper. We find treasures around every corner when we let go of pushing for outcomes. Our passion for discovery, learning, exploration, spirituality, travel, work, & relationships translates into inspiration. When we delight in a project, our enthusiasm is infectious. Do we feel the coals of our passions igniting our heart to greater love & a new trust?

Address—Like the octopus we slip in & out unseen.
Bless— We find treasures around every corner when we let go of pushing for outcomes.
Release—Do we feel the coals of our passions igniting our heart?
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

A detox day is in store. Fasting & closet clearing are the order of the day. Clear away what isn’t needed & we might find what we are looking for. The Gita says that the practitioners of karma yoga will want for nothing when they study the teachings daily. If we need to clear the decks to make room for a daily practice this is a fortunate time to begin. As we align closer to our Higher Soul-Self our inner desires become refined, we learn why we play by the rules, & when it is time to break them. Our desires drive our destiny. They are the currency we pay for our outcomes. Open-hearted gratitude brings us abundance.

Address—Clear away what isn’t needed & we might find what we are looking for.
Bless—We make room for a daily practice.
Release—Open-hearted gratitude brings us abundance.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Our eyes open on a whole new world of possibilities. The swordfish wants us to stand out & step up to the plate. Let the distractions fall away as we step confidently & boldly into our power. Does it feel like something is missing? Examine the situation from many directions, perspectives, & opinions. Get a second, third, fourth  opinion. Then decide. Ask for the direction & guidance of our Soul Council & Higher Soul-Self. Then watch for signs in nature & during Dreamtime. Balance the need to be right or strong, with the need for clarity.

Address— Stand out & step up to the plate.
Bless—Examine the situation from many directions.
Release—Balance the need to be right or strong, with the need for clarity.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Today, it is a back to task day. Now we commit to returning to what we love to do & we give ourselves a deadline. As this new energy pushes us, it propels us in our forward. The humpback whale knows its inner voice, is in touch with its inner truth, and feels the wisdom and the heartbeat of the universe. They ask us to embrace the unknown. Push through the muck of thoughts and the emotional choices that we’re making. Take a look at how we are utilizing our time. Have we lost our sense of direction or purpose? Brainstorm on the ideas that excite us, bouncing it off of a supportive person. Be like the newborn humpback, & leave the warm, tropical waters of our birth. Push to the surface. One of the gifts of a meditation practice is an increasing awareness of our surroundings. As in the practice of driving, the  further ahead we are able to look, the more we take in which is happening around us. We glide like the manta ray through & around the  obstacles that once caught us by surprise. Noticing the variations in the energy as they come toward us, we choose our responses intuitively. As it feeds with an open mouth, we traverse the waters of our day with open hearts. Our words are heard yet misunderstood. Take the time to explain ourselves. The message is clouded by the receiver’s history, let them know how precious the intimacy of honesty is to our relationships. Let it be a safe space.

Address— Embrace the unknown. Push through the muck of thoughts & emotional choices.
Bless—Notice variations in the energy as it comes toward us.
Release—Take the time to explain ourselves.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Our journey continues. This is a new leg, yet it remains our journey, our path. If we do not have a solid plan in place for how the future is supposed to be, we are advised to relax. Remain excited about the potentials before us we see that acting will not bring them closer. There are many things to do along the way, seeds to be planted, blessings to be counted, strengths to bolster. As a coral reef hosts thousands of species of fish and multitudes of other sea life, we see that supports our endeavours & our opportunities as well. This is a time for universal trust; trust in the timing, & grow our patience. Now is the time to heed our own guidance, follow our own path, detaching from expectations & doubt. Use the intuition while focusing steadfast on a single goal. Pursuing a narrow path toward our goal, functions like an arrow released toward our target. Dive into the depths of the goal. Let it float in the ocean of possibility & look at it under the microscope from all its angles. Take the human ego out of it and ask it how it furthers the harmony. Ask how it may serve the continuing ascension. The surface ebbs & flows & beneath the turmoil of the obvious, lies the still, deep, truth of the Soul. Take a deep breath & dive.

Address— We see that our endeavours & opportunities flourish.
Bless—Focus steadfast on a single goal.
Release—Beneath the turmoil of the obvious, lies the still, deep, truth of the Soul. Take a deep breath & dive.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Our path opens before us. Like the paths of fairy tales, there are harmful creatures in the dark woods. Turn on our animal instincts & trust our way through. The portal is open, yet the hucksters & tricksters line the threshold. The last steps are the steepest. No longer resisting, we push through. Completed is better than perfect. The Goddess of creativity beckons us along our path, we need only trust & follow our heart to find our way to her. Our new path may bring challenge & anger from those who are frightened of their own wild Soul. Staying to our course, the Goddess leads us to our Soul’s home. Resistance is natural as we see our path is a solo affair. Unifying the self, the soul, & the substantial reality we find our sovereignty. The path appears empty for now we carry the All within. We are the I Am. Be the electron appearing inside & outside simultaneously. Be the expression, the expressed, & the One that expresses. Become one with our path.   

Address— Turn on our animal instincts & trust our way through.
Bless— Completed is better than perfect.
Release—Be the expression, the expressed, & the One that expresses. Become one with our path.   
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Use the Taurus Full Moon eclipse to forgive. Fill the vacuum created in the heart-space, with our deepest gratitudes. As we  prepared ourselves, we reach our rewards this day. Some may fly, while others fall. Spirit guides us all. We understand it as our curriculum, the schooling of the Embodied Soul.   Coming with a heart open, sacrificing ourselves to be upon our highest path, we rise from the bones of self blame & regret. We are being asked to leave the past & walk forward without feelings of pain & remorse. What has been done may never be undone. We have learned great lessons from our experiences, and now we must leave them at the threshold of this new door. As the deer trust their instincts, knowing they are powerful, feeling their independence; we learn to trust our decisions when it comes to doing what is best for us. We do not give this power away to others. Today we are asked to focus on our wildness. The parts of us that are instinctual. It’s a good day to spend drumming, dancing, singing, chanting, rediscovering our wild spirit. The mind is a powerful thing. As has been said it can make a heaven or a hell. The mind can heal, & it can manifest our dreams. Just like a muscle the mind can be trained. Cast out negative thoughts. Release them to the fire. If we are entertaining the worst case scenarios, we are putting energy out there and strengthening the possibility of those scenarios. Actively choose positive self talk, it is powerfully effective. Start wherever we are, even if it is only giving ourselves a small, simple compliment. Begin to focus away from what holds us down, makes us heavy. Find the placebo for our life. If we have to, tell ourselves better lies. Our creative fire is waiting for us to unlock our hearts. Creativity is instinct, but it also involves communicating new ideas, solving problems, & turning things into reality. Use the creative process as a meditation to tap into our intuition. Creating with intention, we receive insight as we work, & learn to trust our inner wizard. The acts of creation may be as simple as the every day task of preparing food, gardening, & dressing creatively. It is through our creative expression that we truly change the world.

Address—As we have prepared ourselves, we reach our rewards this day.
Bless—We must leave our past at the threshold of this new door.
Release—It is through our creative expression that we truly change the world.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

As the moon waxes and wanes so, too, do the cycles of life. Sometimes it seems we are racing towards the future, and other times we are in the doldrums and going very slow. Our guides, our angels they know what’s best for us and if it seems that sometimes we’re not supported in what we want to do, it is a protection. These are blessings sent to point us in our direction Time passes whether we are doing or not doing. Let go and accept the passage of time. Accept the descending cycle as part of our journey,  a way of conserving our energy for the next leg. Just as the mermaid in this image symbolizes, the tides that turn, that tide will also turn for us in our time. Leave worry behind, things will start to improve again very soon. We are asked to do a life review. This is the time to look at how far we’ve come, and how far we would like to go. Contemplate the cycles of life. If you are a female, it might be the maiden, the mother and the crone. Upon our passing from this plane to the next, the time that we call our death, it is understood that we undergo a life review. A life review is more about the people that you touched and the consciousness that you engaged. Our earthly achievements such as prestige and money are left behind, and we are faced with the true goal, being kind to ourselves and others. The Swan, a symbol of pure love and divine balance, appears, when we need to cultivate compassion for ourselves. The work we came to do requires us to open our hearts at this time. Meditating on the image of the two swans, we can feel our heart centre open and become filled with light, compassion, and loving consideration for others. This will help us to comprehend everyone’s story and realize we are doing the best we can. When we honour ourselves, cultivate compassion for ourselves, it becomes so much easier to see our struggles in others, and feel what they are going through and then lighten their load by sending them good thoughts rather than judgmental ones. All the money in the world will not make us feel better, if we’re pushing away people to get it.

Address—As the moon waxes and wanes so, too, do the cycles of life.
Bless—We are asked to do a life review.
Release—Lighten the load, send out good thoughts & loving hearts.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Are we stuck with indecision? Are there too many choices? It’s not easy to choose when doing so closes the door on a similarly tasty choice. Yet choose we must. We are called to treat ourselves as the Divine beings we really are beneath this skin. Tenderly, invoking Divine timing, we let go of our expectations, allowing the gifts from Akasha to find us by our unique resonance & in their due time. The wisdom is locked away until we are prepared. The key to this lock resides within the heart. It is opened when grace & gratitude reach a supersaturation & the heart space grows to hold ourselves, & all other beings in a compassionate embrace. The Divine Feminine asks us to cultivate seeds of tenderness, gentleness, & understanding. Expressing lighthearted compassion & empathy brings balance to the world, restoring harmony.

Address—It’s not easy to choose, it closes the door on similarly tasty choices.
Bless—Tenderly, invoking Divine timing, we let go of expectations.
Release— Our compassion & empathy bring balance to the world, restoring harmony.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Spirit says it is a spa day. Take some time today to care for the body. As the vehicle of our journey in life it too requires service & maintenance. This is a call to honour ourselves as we honour the illumination provided for us. We are the eternal presence—whole & complete just as we are. If we turn around & look back at the person we think we are, with the eyes & heart of compassion, we may realize how beautiful & fragile we are. Events are unfolding to prepare us for a great healing The wave of love is on its way. Can we surrender, or do we risk drowning? Let the wave pass through us, offering no resistance. It is coming to heal & elevate us for the chance to awaken more fully. Awakening is like a bud opening petal by petal in its time & season.

Address—With eyes & a heart of compassion, we may realize how beautiful & fragile we are.
Bless—Let the wave of love pass through us, offer no resistance.
Release— Awakening, like a bud opens petal by petal in its time & season.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

The darkness gathers her velvet winter cloak, calling us to the cave. In the quiet hours we calmly contemplate our darkest shadow aspects. In the dark time we acknowledge our deepest wounds. We find our authentic voice in radical acceptance.  It digs a well for compassion to fill. Knowing self-pity as the near enemy of sadness, we seek grace through compassion. Compassion for ourselves, & for all creatures. Compassion like an elastic stretches our hearts, building resilience & bolstering our adaptive capacity. We are assured a renewal just as spring follows winter. Tilling our Soul, amending it with our shadow work, we trust our seeds will germinate after their winter sleep.

Address— In the dark time we acknowledge our deepest wounds.
Bless— Compassion like an elastic stretches our hearts, building resilience & bolstering our adaptive capacity.
Release— We are assured a renewal just as spring follows winter.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Happy New Year. A page turns & a period of literal manifestation begins. The phrase “be careful what you wish for,” is a gem from such a previous time when we believed in our powers of creation. As the sun dawns on this era, karmic connections draw us to fulfill the contracts & move on. Be child-like in dealing with matters of the heart. Hold hands, share our things, & play nice. Search for authentic connections & be present with what comes up. We create our truth, acting with our words & intent aligned.

Address—A period of literal manifestation begins.   
Bless—Be child-like in dealing with matters of the heart.
Release—We create our truth, acting with our words & intent aligned.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

In Jungian psychology, the Black Madonna represents a new awareness or consciousness of the earth and of our bodies. She is the wisdom that we can only accrue through the often painful fires of transformation. She helps us to become conscious of the Spirit in matter, of light in the dark, of the intersection of our sexuality and our spirituality. The pain we experience as humans contains deep wisdom. In the fires of suffering, it can be difficult to trust that our gold is being forged out of our pain. It can be hard to trust when there is terrific pain, yet there is a process at work. The Black Madonna is the cauldron that holds us so we may enter the alchemy and integrate our soul with our physical existence. Queen Esther brings us the understanding of divine timing. Holding our power until the right moment is her lesson. We are asked to use our special gifts to help others, and not just to get ahead for ourselves. The ego has a timetable that the Soul couldn’t care less about. Our fear can be a very loud voice in our ear, manipulating us to do things purely from ego’s perspective. Yet when we are in service of love, and following the dictates of our soul, divine timing ensues. Trust that everything is aligning in divine timing, trust your Soul-voice. In the beginning, all is love. In the end all is love, there is nothing more powerful than remembering that we are love. Our experience of love is a personal relationship between the Divine and our own Soul. It has no interest in proving anything, and stands fast, even in the flames of ignorance and resistance.

Address—In the fires of suffering, it is difficult to trust our gold is being forged out of pain.
Bless—The ego has a timetable & the Soul couldn’t care less.
Release—Our experience of love is between the Divine & our own Soul.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Let the games play on, realizing them for what they are, a cover for a deeper truth. We need not get seriously caught up in superficial power struggles. Become a champion for fair play. Remember the first time we tasted our favourite food, the way it smelled & how it awakened us to new sensations. Experience the world with beginner eyes, follow our sensations. Change the world by changing our perspective. If we thought we couldn’t have our cake and eat it, it’s time to throw out old duality. One plane of this reality is becoming denser, angrier, self-righteous, and petty. Another is actively opposing the anger, and yet another plane exists for those who find peace because of the chaos.

Address—Become a champion for fair play.
Bless—Experience the world with beginner eyes, follow our sensations.
Release— If we thought we couldn’t have our cake and eat it, it’s time to throw out old duality.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Since we come here to experience the material physical realm, Spirit is asking us to remember the healing, heart-expanding nature of play. The shaking spear said life is a stage. Cue the music, find our mark, don a costume, affix a mask and have some fun. This is the path to reclaiming our lost power. Re-parent the inner child; lightly & joyfully. Our duty to the universe is in expanding our awe. What makes our heart quicken, & our mouth salivate. Get in some serious play. Leave our cares & worries on the side of the road. The horizon is wide open & opportunity knows our address. Turn around, we aren’t trapped. The way is clear as far as we can see. We begin in this moment.

Address—Spirit is asking us to remember the healing, heart-expanding nature of play.
Bless— This is the path to reclaiming our lost power.
Release— The horizon is wide open & opportunity knows our address.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

The Scorpio New Moon calls us to our inner temple. Go within, the truth lies in the secrets of our hearts. Chant, pray, make sacred vows, & watch for signs along our path of self-discovery. Hear the voice of our Soul. Magical Alchemy begins when we transmute our pain into golden love. As the wise Magician Merlin, combine science, healing, & spiritual practice together. Manifest our creative inventions. Roll up our sleeves & get our hands dirty. Magic asks for us to give it our all, then know it is so. We are called to be channels for the coming age. Akasha opens its doors to us. The etheric library is open for all. The positioning system functions on the intention of the seeker. All probabilities exist in the Mind of All. Leave fear behind, call forth a safe sacred container, & plug in.

Address—Go within, the truth lies in the secrets of our hearts.
Bless—As the wise Magician Merlin, combine science, healing, & spiritual practice together.
Release—We are called to be channels for the coming age. Akasha opens its doors to us.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

The 3D plane is undergoing a great shift. As emissaries of the ending Yuga we are taxed with raising the energy to mediate between the planes. Act as if the shift is manifest. Harmonizing with the trans personal universal love resonance we create the equilibrium by adapting. Express the song hidden in the depths of our heart. Let the world know who we are. Right here, right now we become our desires. In the flapping, whirl of passing time we find stillness & feel the unconditional love of Spirit.

Address—Act as if the shift is manifest.
Bless— Let the world know who we are.
Release— Right here, right now, we become our desires.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me

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