
Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

The fairy path of new manifestations appears before us, bringing a renewed intimacy. Take all the time we need to enjoy the sweetness along our way. Can we sense the rising tide of ecstasy? We are a beacon illuminating our path, empowering others to find their own way. Embrace the crown of self-governance. Triggers transmute, challenging us to greater self awareness, offering us the opportunity to practice being the witness. Relax into the Divine spiritual laws of timing.

Address— Can we sense the rising tide of ecstasy?
Bless— We are a beacon illuminating our path, empowering others to find their own way.
Release—Practice being the witness. Relax into the Divine spiritual laws of timing.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Rebirth gives us wings to launch us into a new cycle. Use the nutritional soup to leave the past behind, relaxing into all the changes. Take care of ourself during this delicate transformation. Grab hold of our life by the antlers. Motivating with our clarity & strength, we become a beacon for others. Step up. New projects that are grounded, organized, & focused are favoured at this time.

Address—Rebirth gives us wings to launch us into a new cycle.
Bless—Motivating with clarity & strength, we become a beacon for others.
Release—New projects that are grounded, organized, & focused are favoured at this time.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Our breath is one indicator of what we are feeling. Fill our lungs with pure fresh air. Clearing out the stagnant we breath out in a long, deep sigh. Now we are better prepared to stay in the present moment. Magic is a verb, it is the Craft in action. Relying on universal laws as Magician we use recipes & energy forms ancient, & modern to participate in the deliberate creation of our experiences. Without water, there is no life. Without water there is no magic. Being the most vital substance it is often overlooked. Water magic harnesses the power of water to send messages, heal, flow with confidence, & ride the changing tides.

Address—Breath is an indicator of what we are feeling.
Bless— Without water, there is no life. Without water there is no magic.
Release—Water magic; send messages, heal, flow confidently, & ride the tides.
YES/NO Question~’YES’.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me



You be the Oracle

“Clearing. As true offering arises, it becomes easy to let go. You start to trust that more will change will always arrive. You shift from mine… Mine… Mine. To God’s… God’s … God’s . Such freedom!

Grounded. Many of the most evolved beings on earth are regular folks living with joy, dignity, and courage.

Change. When the ego finally sees the utter madness of trying to control everything, you come to a sacred crossroads in your own evolution.”

YES/NO Question~’YES’.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

As we have a family in this 3D existence, our Soul family exists in all dimensions. Look around, our Soul family is sending the support we are asking for. When we feel a sense of home & safety we know these to be signs of our Soul family’s assistance. Feminine power & prosperity rise. Our projects birth with ease in their season. Leave our old beliefs of scarcity & lack behind, “allow yourself to be richly resourced & wildly successful in all your creations.” Wash away the lack. Invite the abundance. Wealth in all its forms wants to flow with us. The Quadesh heals our connections to sexual energy. Also known as the priestesses assigned to love the war out of returning soldiers, they used the sexual energy to realign the heart. Be very gentle with ourselves when trauma & sexual blocks begin healing.

Address—Look around, our Soul family is sending the support we are asking for.
Bless—Wash away lack. Invite abundance.
Release— Be very gentle with ourselves when trauma & sexual blocks begin healing.
YES/NO Question~’YES’.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

The warrior is the greatest lover. It is in the search for our own truth, that we find our way to love & respect. Take time to reflect from the perspective of the universe. Look how far we have come. Now we look inside bravely & honestly. In vulnerability we find our sacred path.

Address—It is in the search for our own truth, that we find our way to love & respect.
Bless—Look how far we have come.
Release—In vulnerability we find our sacred path.
YES/NO Question~’YES’.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

The path appears blocked & our anxiety is on high. It is time for us to build a portal. Language is a powerful portal. Journal the emotions until they run clear. We choose an unfamiliar path as the Divine asks us to grow in new ways. Clear out the distractions & take mental notes of our surroundings, let it all in, float in the imperfections of perfection, the liminal state of being & non-being. The magic lies within us. Every word, thought, & action weaves our evolving reality. Our DNA, our environment, our cultural contexts, create a framework & collective karma, yet it is our thoughts & words weaving the greater spell.
  • my personal spell/code is a combination from wisdom keepers, collected & applied.
What I damn, damns me back.
What follows I am, follows me.
For the good of all, or not at all.
Behold, I make all things new.

Address—The path appears blocked & our anxiety is on high. Journal the emotions until they run clear.
Bless—Hone in on the magic available in this moment.
Release—The magic lies within us. Every word, thought, & action weaves our evolving reality.
YES/NO Question~’NO’.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Settle into a quiet mind & cultivate a gentle hand. Hold the space for things to settle. We can use kind words when speaking with ourselves. It isn’t necessary to tough things out alone. Some times we need to be heard, & sometimes we need to hear & support others. The future is calling us to make some treasured memories. Think of something on our bucket list & plan to manifest the experience. Watch our dreams for people from the past delivering us messages.

Address—Settle into a quiet mind & cultivate a gentle hand.
Bless—Some times we need to be heard, & sometimes we need to hear & support others.
Release—Think of something on our bucket list & plan to manifest the experience.
YES/NO Question~’YES’.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Sacred pilgrimage calls us to the high peaks where we gain a greater perspective. Accepting our situation exactly as is, as we are, we go to the holy mountain. “Make a commitment to walk with courage, love, & compassion until you see with clarity the perfection of all.” Are we yearning for purification? The inner dark, the womb of all creation calls us home to our soul. Heat the stones, offer tobacco or sage, & forgive everything & everyone under the Pisces Harvest Moon. The roots of the Tree burrow deep into the unconscious, & the leaves reach out toward the sun & the stars. The Tree holds tightly to both in harmony. When we get too much in one aspect of our lives, something shifts to accommodate the new. So let our roots & boughs align us with our heart’s desire, our Soul’s Calling. Feel the feels, process what we can, & release the rest with love & gratitude.

Address—Accepting our situation exactly as is, as we are, we go to the holy mountain.
Bless—The inner dark, the womb of all creation calls us home to our soul.
Release—Feel the feels, process what we can, & release the rest with love & gratitude.
YES/NO Question~’NO’.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Sacred pilgrimage calls us to the high peaks where we gain a greater perspective. Accepting our situation exactly as is, as we are, we go to the holy mountain. “Make a commitment to walk with courage, love, & compassion until you see with clarity the perfection of all.” Are we yearning for purification? The inner dark, the womb of all creation calls us home to our soul. Heat the stones, offer tobacco or sage, & forgive everything & everyone under the Pisces Harvest Moon. The roots of the Tree burrow deep into the unconscious, & the leaves reach out toward the sun & the stars. The Tree holds tightly to both in harmony. When we get too much in one aspect of our lives, something shifts to accommodate the new. So let our roots & boughs align us with our heart’s desire, our Soul’s Calling. Feel the feels, process what we can, & release the rest with love & gratitude.

Address—Accepting our situation exactly as is, as we are, we go to the holy mountain.
Bless—The inner dark, the womb of all creation calls us home to our soul.
Release— Feel the feels, process what we can, & release the rest with love & gratitude.
YES/NO Question~’NO’.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Quiet, calm, & breath in the golden illumination. Are we royal to all in our domain? Is everything we possess in good condition & being used. If it doesn’t allow us to hop between projects with ease, we now consider letting it go for good. If we carry less, the way clears for futures we only yet imagine. Taking responsibility for our health; physical, spiritual & mental, & the changes unfolding for us when we do, initiates us into the ways of chaos & truth. Things are not what we want them to be, they are universal laws, like immense wheels. Lessons aren’t always ours, yet hurt as much.

Address—Are we royal to all in our domain? Is everything we possess being used?
Bless—Changes unfold for us, initiating us into the ways of chaos & truth.
Release—Lessons not always ours, hurt as much.
YES/NO Question~’YES’.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

When things aren’t going well, sometimes we forget to practice gratitude. Writing a short gratitude list helps us remember what is really important in our life. Take care of the basics. Start with the small & work our way up to the summit. Don’t hold back. Something inside us wants to be heard. Sing, lecture, rant; express ourselves.

Address—Writing a short gratitude list helps us remember what is really important in our life.
Bless—Take care of the basics. Start with the small & work our way up to the summit.
Release— Don’t hold back. Something inside us wants to be heard.
YES/NO Question~’YES’.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

All that we need lies with us. As an expression of love & illumination & as children of water, our existence is in the subset of matter we call life. As life forms we arise, mature, reproduce, age, and return to our sources. The Garden lies within us. We are asked to tend our body with healthy food, lots of clean water, and by spending time in the sun & under the stars. We blossom in our time. Conscious creators, “you are coming to realize that you are a spiritual being expanding within your temporary human incarnation.”
”I bow to the holy trinity of oneness, wholeness, and unconditional love—within & all around me.“
As we rise above our obstacles we see from the Soul perspective. We Break free from the constraints & limitations of the past, & soar.

Address—The body like a garden needs care.
Bless—I bow to the holy trinity of oneness, wholeness, and unconditional love—within me.
Release— Break free from the constraints & limitations of the past, & soar.
YES/NO Question~’YES’.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Writing our wishes begins the process of manifesting. Imagine the wish fulfilled. Speak the wishes as if, & they are halfway toward manifestation. We may be called to be a fairy for another with a kind word, gesture, or a thoughtful gift. We are reminded that we have it in our power to make the wishes of another come true. Watch for signs of nature. A feather, dandelion puff, or a friendly bird are a few of the signs our dreams are heard. The opportunity to mark a special occasion or make a  new tradition with some good fairy fun. Are our party clothes ready?

Address—We have it in our power to make the wishes of another come true.
Bless—Watch for signs our dreams are heard.
Release—Make a  new tradition with some good fairy fun. Are our party clothes ready?
YES/NO Question of the Day~’NO’.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Effortless flow. We are swept along, toward our Dharma—our highest purpose. Surrender to the forces at play & continue to uplift the vibration of the planet. “You are not your body. You are not your mind. You are the one who experiences each.” The universe lies within. The outer, as an expression is in constant change from one state to the next. We are Buddha when the awareness of our true Self arises and the masks no longer serve. Remember our Buddha nature.

Address—We are not our body or our mind. We are the one who experiences each.
Bless—The universe lies within.
Release—We are Buddha when the awareness of our true Self arises and the masks no longer serve.
The answer is NO.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Change up today. Posting only what is written on the cards. Today, you be the Oracle.

Card One: Address; “EXPANSIVENESS
Eternity is far more creative than the rigid, constrained, and exhausted ego.”

Card Two: Bless;
Through offering, even the most mundane problem can become a sacrament.”

Card Three: Release;
‘oh my Lord, wake me from life as a spiritual sheep. May I hear You through my own instincts and common sense.’”

The answer is YES.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Today we may be feeling impatient. Resist the urge to push. We may not have arrived at the destination we seek, yet we can appreciate what we have already achieved.  Release what is falling away. Our fresh perspective brings new approaches to our projects. Keep moving forward with intention. When we are close to a situation we can miss the bigger picture. Try to see it from a different perspective. Using our head we may read the signs more accurately.

Address: Today we may be feeling impatient. Resist the urge to push.
Bless: A fresh perspective brings new approaches to our projects.
Release: Try to see it from all the perspectives.  
The answer is YES.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Are we feeling vulnerable? Call on Hanael’s shield of courage & ruby ray to strengthen our convictions. “Chant Om Namah Shivaya three times and the Divine will illuminate your way forward.” Be assured the immense shifts we feel are happening at a planetary level. It is nothing personal, harmony & balance work to maintain our equilibrium. Letting go is One of the hardest lessons we will ever learn.
It is in surrender that we find what we have been looking for all along. Control has always been an illusion, see it for what it is, and let it go. Surrender control to the angels & it will be replaced by something better.

Address: Are we feeling vulnerable? Call on Hanael’s ruby ray & shield.
Bless: The immense shifts we feel are happening at a planetary level.
Release: It is in surrender that we find what we have been looking for all along.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me


Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Great changes are in the air. Journeys, both to far lands, & within, await us. Let go of ‘what was’ & embrace ‘what is.’ The Lady of the Lake knows the truth & tells us to seek the sword of truth within & success will be ours. Give up the need to be right. Resolve hurts & trauma with forgiveness—first for ourself, then for another. Release perfection & enjoy the peace found in forgiveness.

Address: Great changes are in the air.
Bless: Let go of ‘what was’ & embrace ‘what is.’
Release: Give up the need to be right. Resolve hurts & trauma, release perfection, & enjoy the peace found in forgiveness.

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