
Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Quiet, calm, & breath in the golden illumination. Are we royal to all in our domain? Is everything we possess in good condition & being used. If it doesn’t allow us to hop between projects with ease, we now consider letting it go for good. If we carry less, the way clears for futures we only yet imagine. Taking responsibility for our health; physical, spiritual & mental, & the changes unfolding for us when we do, initiates us into the ways of chaos & truth. Things are not what we want them to be, they are universal laws, like immense wheels. Lessons aren’t always ours, yet hurt as much.

Address—Are we royal to all in our domain? Is everything we possess being used?
Bless—Changes unfold for us, initiating us into the ways of chaos & truth.
Release—Lessons not always ours, hurt as much.
YES/NO Question~’YES’.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me

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