
22/03/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—It feels like the sun is beginning to warm the earth in the northern hemisphere. We give thanks for making it through another dark season. It is the season to break from the chrysalis and dry off our wings. Gratitude brings the thermals to hold us in the air. Give thanks, and soar.

Bless—Have we sat with our nose pressed to the glass wall between us and our dreams? Look to the morning star and remember we can fly! Our bags are packed with everything we will ever need. The world is on the whole a beautiful and enchanting place. Grow new eyes, then let the genie out of the bottle.

Release—Even a little loving awareness brings ease to suffering. Send out loving, gushy hearts to everything we resist, and watch the magic unfold.

Bonus Card: Ceremony: Honour how far you’ve come.


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21/03/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—Mindfulness. Is it time to deepen our meditation practice? We may come to meditation with childlike openness and wonder. Meditation and contemplation will refine our peaceful purpose, offering clarity in the space between our thoughts. Breath through the gateway into a tranquil heart space and sink into a calm, blissful, clear, mindful, self-awareness.

Bless— Mother Ganges appears, fertile and overflowing. She is here to liberate us from our doubts and falsehoods. She can set our Soul free of repetitive patterns. Don’t just tread water – work with the current, and discover her hidden treasures.

Release— The Blue Tara is a powerful protector and the slayer of obstacles. She liberates us from our sabotaging patterns and heals our past and present. Our plea for strength is answered. Invoke the Blue Lotus of clear communication to help us express our emotions in a supportive way. Continue on our journey with courage, set our spirit free. The Blue Lotus emerges from the muddy waters delivering us a symbol of light, hope, and resilience. Rise with confidence into her vision, she’s created a life of love, compassion, and freedom for us.

Bonus Card: Worth— We have been worthy to belong to love all along. Without any need to improve. In fact, we are love itself.


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20/03/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—The healing heart asks us to open to the tender, caring treatments available. Gentle Goddess of spring and Ostara arrives today with promises of healing love and self-acceptance.

Bless—It is time to slow down, focus more on ourselves and our path. When we surrender control it miraculously makes it easier to get things done. Take time for recreation, laughter, and self-care.

Release—Grab our go-bag, the Universe is pushing us into new adventures. Leave the familiar behind and do a little exploring. If we are having trouble getting on our way call on a favourite astronaut-guide to give it rockets.

Bonus Card: BlueBird Spirit; Happiness


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19/03/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—Soak up all the luscious love. Aphrodite invites us to bathe in her spring-water, and soak up the essences of love, spiritual, purification, and invigorating energy. She has come to enliven our spirit and activate our intuition. She awakens our inner goddess. Integrating self love rituals into our daily routine helps us to become like water, fluid and nurturing.

Bless— The Goddess of the river Ganges, dances into our life. She wants us to know that it’s OK to put down our weary woes for a while and dance and sing and enjoy the beauty of the Earth. Laughing, dancing, singing, and loving, purifies the soul.

Release—This card comes at the perfect time. We are in the phase of the dark moon. Now we can dig out all that crud left over from our full moon forgiveness. We are asked to retreat to a tranquil sanctuary, light a candle, breathe and reflect on happy memories and blessings. If it is time, release the tears, cleanse and purify our heartache. Allow the waves of emotion to move through us. Observe, connect with, and liberate our feelings in our own way. Pass through past pain, knowing that we are not our wounds. A new found feeling of freedom will restore our hope with the budding of new life.

Bonus Card: Season of the Haunted Heart


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18/03/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—These are not the new beginnings of spring we see around us. These are the wishes we planted last year, a perennial from late summer. Now it emerges from its winter hibernation.

Bless—If we decide to let the dust settle, the truth of our place in this issue will be illuminated. Contemplation on the gifts we might find on this path will be the determining factors for taking what’s offered.

Release—The frog represents our health in many indigenous cultures. The three stages of frog’s development symbolize renewal, resurrection, and transformation. If we were less than successful in the past, it need not colour our future. We can start out fresh and new. However, if we continue to do what we’ve always done, results will be the same. Frog asks us to release any notions of how our life should unfold. It is time to be adaptable. Our willingness to change, influences our abundance and good fortune.

Bonus Card: Sacrifice


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16/03/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—Spirit is sending us messages, are we paying attention? We will be sent the message three times, so watch the air and survey the land for synchronicities.

Bless—Harmony is maintained when we practice gratitude. Gratitude, is a mighty tool for attracting our desires. Send our gratitude to our ancestors for the gift of our life. Send gratitude to ourselves and to our children that the blessings of our lives may pass down to them.

Release—Take a look at our habits. Are we doing everything we need to keep the body healthy? Reconnecting to the Earth is easier when we eat clean food, and drink pure water. Go outside and place our feet on the surface of her body, watch the sunrise over her eastern ridges, dip our toes in her waters. Invite healing and wonder back into our lives.

Bonus Card: Dictionary—Communication


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15/03/2023 Oracle Reading
Address— Universal law has a slight imperfection. This imperfection creates movement, emotions, and the illusion of a passage of time. It is the corollary of lenity. When we give freely of our mercy and empathy, and lean into our path’s lessons, we are rewarded with wisdom.

Bless—We acknowledge that the soul is in charge. The ego is here in service to the soul. We trust in divine timing, allowing the natural flow of energy to do its work behind the scenes.

Release—It is the right time to release our prayers to the Universe. Our words are powerful spells. We now speak our desires into being.

Bonus Card: Affirmation for Acceptance.

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14/03/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—Our highest potential is available anytime. Dragon as our totem, marks us to learn the balancing use of our power. A purposeful life is our greatest treasure. Let our life rise from the ordinary. Ride our dragon on the thermals of Self-love.

Bless—It is important to look the part. Power and leadership come with expectations and responsibilities. Wear our power-suit and snap our fingers at the one in the mirror. We’ve got this Baby!

Release—If grabbing hold of our power and strutting our stuff causes resistance, the cure is self-compassion. We each hold a piece in the enormous puzzle of life. The picture, incomplete without every last one. Dolphin sees us as the wondrous beings we are, and counsels us to contemplate our motives, as there we find the key to our desires.
Bonus Card: Season of Wild Delights


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13/03/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—Saraswati wants us to continue on the path of soul-embodied creativity. Our daily practice births confident self-expression.

Bless—Our resilience is a super-power. We may rest at the bosom of the ancient healer, the White Tara. She lights our path to acceptance and compassion. In her grace she nudges us toward self-acceptance using her curious childlike humour.

Release—The Lady of Lourdes appears when we have grieving to do. Her cleansing tears will transmute our own heartaches. She allows grief and love to live in us together. Bittersweet. It is divine grace. It is exquisitely poignant and heart opening. When it feels there is no where else to go, no where to hide she takes us to her.

Bonus Card: Innana - The Queen of Heaven and Earth - “I have nothing to hide. I see and accept all that I am”


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12/03/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—Have we dove deeply into the dream realms? Now is the season of renewal. Brush the sand off our coat, as we leave the past behind. Keep letting go and as we do our vibration will help us rise.

Bless—We are blessed with the gift of reciprocating actions. Get out that drawing board and fill it with our dreams. Find a first small step to take towards its manifestation. As we gain confidence, releasing lust of result, we may now look forward as we stay present.

Release—The Council of Crone’s says these are master lessons and we are to call on our Guide to lead us if we do not know the way. This work requires a balanced energy system on all our planes and our Guides can hold this space for us, we need only ask.

Bonus Card: Unicorn—Purity


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10/03/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—Take a glass of water that we intend to drink and place our hands on other side of the glass, cupping it right below the water line. Now say these words, “please forgive me water. I thank you water. I love you water. I respect you water.” Now say it again, two more times looking deeply into the water on each of the phrases; forgive me, thank you, love you, and respect you; let the emotion of the words build in our heart and imagine it moving from our heart into the water. Now it is blessed.

Bless—Are the winter doldrums getting to us? The weather teases us with the returning light. It is almost time for our emerging, yet for now we may nap in the waning winter slumber of the dreaming subconscious.

Release—Love the self, forgive the self, nurture the self. Then go out with our hearts open. We are perfectly safe. Even the strongest storm, even the zombie apocalypse can’t destroy the Soul.

Bonus Card: Lots-Chance.


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09/03/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—Our intuition is keen. Challenges work on opening us up, building on our strengths and expanding our capacity to dive deep, honing our psychic visions. Take time out to contemplate our dreams.

Bless—The past is behind us and the future has yet to materialize. Let our heart lead us to our own path. As we follow the call of our Soul, it becomes a beacon of hope to those caught in illusion.

Release—Coyote says it’s all a game. We may choose to play or we may merely observe. Pointing her nose in our direction she laughs at the toilet paper on our shoe and the egg on our face. She invites us to laugh with her and see the comedy in the story of our life.

Bonus Card: Ease—“It is easy for me to receive.”


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08/03/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—Support is all around us. Whether we can see them or they are on other planes, our spirit family is by our side, ready to protect us, play with us, and learn with us. Give encouragement to those in our soul tribe, our family, and our community. And allow ourselves to be supported.

Bless—The future is certainly colourful. Now we have a rainbow after the storm. Let the creator step in and solve challenges for us in mysterious and wondrous ways. Just as the rainbow carries all colors in every spectrum of the electromagnetic field, and water is the element of emotions and feelings, so our heart is opening wider and wider. Our capacity to receive, and give love is expanding, and that truly is a miracle.

Release— Are we being called to step forward? Is there someone or something we need to protect? No matter what seems to be blocking our way, step forward with courage and grace. Just as the Celts used the Aspen-wood to make their shields to protect them from spiritual as well as physical harm, we find endurance and protection with our community.

Bonus Card: Hag of Storms—Chaos


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07/03/2023 Oracle Reading
Address— Is it time to slay the not enough beast? The Virgo full moon comes to ask us how do we feel about our self? Do we think that we are too much? Please just stop. Grieve, be with our self, do ritual. It’s full moon and this is the time to do it. Let everything go, we are not our past, we can soothe ourselves and most importantly we can move on. Choose the Soul’s view. Choose radical self love and acceptance.

Bless—Utilize this full moon to release old negative habits, and make room for bigger and brighter more aligned experiences. Releasing what is no longer necessary, creates a vacuum for all of the things that we want to come in. It only happens when we release what no longer serves us. The art of release after raising our power, is vital to its effectiveness. Should we raise power without sending it out to the universe in a focused way, it remains stagnant and stuck. Use this full moon to our advantage, and release it, burn it away, expel it.

Release—What is it we are trying to attract? Attraction isn’t just about what we accept, it is also how we discern. Blindly attracting everything we think of into our lives rarely makes us happy, but being focused about what we want does. Chip away that which no longer aligns with our vision. No longer on our frequency they are attracted back to their source. Let them go with love

Bonus Card: Childhood Home


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06/03/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—Speak the Baba Yaga prayer before sleep. “Grandmothers, whose names I do not know, tonight, I pray to you. I pray, I remember the ways of the storytelling crone and tap into a more mythic memory. I pray you will find me in my dreams, and speak Witch to me. I pray you sing me into deeper sleep with your heathen tongue, and I pray – with my whole heart and soul, I pray – that I wake the wildest version of myself I have ever been. So mote it be.”

Bless—If we want to truly understand spirit and divinity, we need only to ask an elder. Elders are truly compassionate wisdom keepers, standing on the divide between wild innocent grace and fiery leadership. Yes, they have lived long, but that is not their only qualification for being an elder. There is a humility accompanying their wisdom and a refusal to claim ownership of the principles of language that are timeless.

Release—Under the moonlit sky we are called to count our blessings. Gratitude is a magnet. It pulls resonant experiences toward its soft grace. Let every drink be blessed, and all nourishment first offered as sacrament. Bless every stone in the road as a vehicle for our awakening. Let suffering be met in peace and with compassion. Yield to our place in the cosmos. Contemplate the God and surrender to the Goddess. For he is the force and she is the substance.

Bonus Card: Enjoy New Beginnings; Celebrate—Socialize—Change


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05/03/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—Is it time to get back to the drawing board? Those projects may need a little help from our guides. Take a pause to bring some order to the flow of thoughts and ideas swirling around us like alphabet soup.

Bless—The winter harvest begins. We gather our seeds in preparation of the coming warmth. The breakdown of last years growth is almost complete. And in its place the first flowers of spring push through the snow. As one season dies another prepares to be birthed. What seeds will we choose from this harvest?

Release—This is the card of the bittersweet. Are we so happy, it broke us open? Are we so sad to feel the child pull away in becoming whole? Birthing, bonding, and grieving are three of the many vehicles where we experience overwhelming and complicated emotions. It is happening for us, it is the greatest of graces.

Bonus Card: the Source of All


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03/03/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—The giraffe is a magical beast. It is a mystical beast. It has a gentle grace for one so tall. Are we seeing a map of our own future unfolding? Are long forgotten visions manifesting in our waking state? Stand tall and walk our path in grace, knowing we are worthy.

Bless—The heron is associated with the soul in fairy tales. It is quiet, patient, and graceful. Patience has got us to this place. Hard work, baby steps, making lists, planning. It seems our game is impeccable. Our ducks are in a row.

Release—This is the card of the survivor. In trauma, we may have cut off parts to make a healthier whole. Something new springs up in their place. Like the first poppy on a battlefield, regeneration seeks to reclaim the darkest part of our psyche.

Bonus Card: Energetic Clearing


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27/02/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—First Quarter Moon in Gemini. As we contemplate our gratitudes the Magi appears to let us know we are at our psychic peak. Call on the Magi as we fall asleep or enter our meditation and enlightening guidance is on the way.

Bless—Our self perception influences our energy. When we are quick to fault ourselves, our energy darkens with our own disapproval. Treat ourselves with compassion and be encouraging in our self talk. We deserve our own loving acceptance just as we are.

Release—The Journey Guide, brings the world to us. It could be anything from a short excursion, like a weekend trip for a conference, or a longer vacation, a long hike, or a long distance assignment. Just know that when this card appears travel and new locations are in the works. Call on our Journey Guide for assistance with travel details–then relax and enjoy the trip.

Bonus Card: Fortune Cookie—Fortuitous


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26/02/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—It doesn’t get any better than this: a quiet mind, a heart fulfilled, freedom from want, and Soul satisfaction. The way to peace is through radical acceptance.

Bless—Have things looked a little bit too good to be true? Now is the time to look beyond the superficial. Resist the desire to don a mask or dress something up in disguise. The truth is that people seek to acquire things because of what they will do for them, and how they symbolically will elevate them, and make them more attractive. This card asks us to see beyond the adornments and probe underneath the surface. Learn to recognize the masks other people wear and the motives underlying them. Imagine that all the glitter is gone. Would we still desire the object or person?

Release—We’ve all heard of second chances. We just never thought one would come for us. Whatever we may have perceived as a failure or loss is now being replaced by something better and more powerful growing in its place. Rebirth is assured. Step into our new life, our destiny is being fulfilled in wondrous ways.

Bonus Card: Courage

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25/02/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—Not everything we think of as real, is anything more than an arbitrary placeholder for human understanding. Take the concept of planetary time. It depends on the distance, magnetism, the motion of the sun & moon. Concepts tied to our ideas. Our ego/ethno/homo-centrism, revolving around a false projection of self over the Self-Soul. Today the rotation of our planetary home sped up & we lost a second. The shortest day ever recorded. Look away from arbitrary concepts like war & annihilation, If they are on a continuum & therefore capable of transforming, we owe the future to envision what is possible. Give a poor being resources & they are no longer poor. Meditate, contemplate, & strategize a planet of peace & serenity.

Bless—As the ancients practiced agriculture, they depended on the environmental conditions & the micro climates of their regions. There is no one way, there are ways more suited to one set of variables over another. Rice is suited to a period of wet, whereas many of the old corns required dry sunny environments. Potatoes grown at high elevations attract fewer pests than those grown in a warm valley. Play with the idea-not all change is progress, & not all progress is change.

Release—Give in to the passion. Become one with the song the universe is playing for us. If we hear it today it is a reminder that our passions create a fire for all who gather near. We only need a few moments to shake our stuff & clear the stagnating forces from the corners. Frolic, play, create for the pure joy of the expression.

Bonus Card: Boundaries


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24/02/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—We catch a break. This card wants us to look ahead and plan our passage. The stars are there to offer direction & reassurance. From their perspectives the path is clear. We have explored the ins & outs & retraced familiar routes. We are constantly learning & becoming more skilled at navigating. Each time we find ourselves in the same channel, we become wiser, stronger, & able to take in more of our surroundings. Gaining the ability to stand in the storm.

Bless—The thermal spring is sacred to the Goddess Sulis who sustains us & restores our vitality. Rather than sinking with despair, it’s time to float on the beauty of wisdom toward the lightness of love. Visualize the sacred spring waters washing over us, cleaning away our fatigue, replenishing our Temple with the ethereal radiance of the Goddess. Relax into blissful, nourishing, rest & emerge feeling whole.

Release—Saraswati advises us to enter the Water Temple of art, language, music, & poetry to declare a commitment to our Higher learning. Align ourselves with higher streams of intelligence & insight. Practice is the path to confident self expression. Steadfast & affirmative actions will progress our mind, heart, & soul. So lay out a plan & focus on our heart aligned objectives.

Bonus Card: Stability

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23/02/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—The water spirits are calling to us, they know of our connection to natural water sources such as lakes, rivers, oceans, or ponds. They want us to heed our urge to visit the water. Water relaxes our mind & body, & allows us to feel at peace again. This comes also as a reminder for us to keep ourselves hydrated so that we can flush out toxins & ground our energy. Being hydrated helps us concentrate, so have a glass of water when we are studying or learning something new.

Bless—Our health & well-being, depends on the health & well-being of the environment. The ancestors ask us to take a look around at everything that nature provides for us. Our home, our clothing, our food, all are gifts from Mother Earth. We are asked to see the ways we can give back by limiting our waste, & sharing resources with those who are close to us. Look at ways we can reduce our demands on ourselves & our environment.

Release—The Path of the Shaman calls to us. Wherever we come from the Shamanic Way is open to us. Shamans come from many cultures & all of us have shamans, healers, & seers in our lineage if we go back far enough. Continue to reach out to the ancestors, animal & nature guides & the link will be restored. Utilize our new practice to heal ourselves & in turn we heal our lineage. Every being that walks the path of substantive reality benefits from our self-discovery.

Bonus Card: Archangel Jophiel

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22/02/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—We are invited to draw our blade and use it. This is not a time to hesitate. Heaven & Earth align to support our claim to power, so it is for us to take the decisive action. Overcome our fear of hurting others, unsheathe the blade, & use it wisely.

Bless—In our Vision Quest, we face our fear, embrace our mortality, & meet face to face with Spirit. Find clarity by spending time alone in nature. Get away from our desk & go outside. Spirit helps those who help themselves, so we set our intention & ask nature for a guiding vision for our life.

Release—Beginnings naturally give rise to endings. Life after all is a cycle & not a straight line of birth—death—into nothing. Energy merely finds another form. It is time for us to honour what has been & find a new form, a new structure for the future. In our ventures it is time to reap our harvest. Completion is a time for celebration. Just as we enjoy the end of summer’s ripest fruit, we savour the end of this cycle.

Bonus Card: Feathers; Message—Watch for Spirit sending us signs in nature.

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21/02/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—The Isles of Glass, another name for Avalon, is a card of sovereignty. Our intuition helps us to navigate & learn discernment. Find the strength & ability to overcome obstacles that may block our progress by looking forward. Self governance requires experience, knowledge, & in due course great wisdom. Know that compassionate self acceptance grows our confidence. Back ourself with gusto; knowing we have the fortitude, free will, & insight to rule over our domain.

Bless—We find ourselves in the Temple of Sacred Water, the water of life. It is through dedicated spiritual practice that we become one with universal love. Sacred ceremony enhances clarity, harmony, & our connection to Spirit. When we embody Spirit, we embrace the everlasting Soul within & we bless our sacredness through heartfelt ritual & celebration.

Release—We have the ability to lead with genuine enthusiasm; too unify others & guide them toward a golden heart, mind, and Soul setting. Shatter the illusion of scarcity, abandon negative thoughts & truly thrive! We see prospects ahead & lead with a clear vision to our very own golden age. Let go of any notions of victimhood & embrace our higher calling with zest, enthusiasm, & drive. We are birthing fresh creative concepts into the world, benefiting everyone. These offerings light the way for others to follow on their own golden pathways.

Bonus Card: Grounded

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20/02/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—Welcome to the sign of Pisces & the new moon. Wade into the deep-end of desire. The elements crash together, pulling our hearts in their chaotic dance.

Bless—Chanting Om in hopes of enlightenment & praying for ascension are masks we wear to cover the pain & fear of living in a broken society. When we feel helpless we look to our next incarnation with hope. The enlightenment happens when we turn away from bandaging our wounds & delve beneath, where fertile soil & microbial ecosystems defy our ideas of what life is, & how events should unfold. Giving up the desire for purity allows the mucky beauty of our genuine life to unfold.

Release—In the wee small hours when most things sleep, it is easy to find peace. Our challenge is to be peace. In the midst of the storms, cling to the Soul-Self. We are only a breath away from their council. Do nothing, be nothing, it is all phenomena rising & falling. Rest in the querencia, the pause between notes, between breaths, the Soul’s home.

Bonus Card: Curiousity

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18/02/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—Inspiration-to be filled with spirit-is waiting for us to make the first move. What gets our juices flowing? Sprinkle some contemplation time into our day. What engages us fully-heart, mind, hands, & Spirit? Explore this path.

Bless—Do we recognize the person we were last year? We are on a fast trajectory. Hold to what is central in our life, & let the rest come & go. The thoughts we attribute to ourselves at this time are sticky. Cultivate our truest alignment, our truest intentions, write them down & burn them. Send them like butterflies into our future. Then hold on to our broom.

Release—Sun & Stars guide our way. Is it time to look at our astrological chart? Do we need to do some Soul nourishing fire scrying? All we need is a simple candle flame. The rhythm of flames dancing, retunes our frequency, gently letting us release the tensions of our stimulating environments. If it is night, stand under the stars & watch them twinkle until we sigh or yawn into relaxation. If it is a sunny day, sit in the warmth for a moment, recharging the pineal gland.

Bonus Card: Gita Deck—Rebirth

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17/02/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—If we didn’t get around to burning the last vestiges of the past storylines away, we have a chance to clear that off our plate. The fires of transmutation break them, cleanse their hold over us, & make way for new stories, & new narrative structures.

Bless—Moments of laughter, follow moments of despair. The processes of our immune response extend to our emotions. Release the fear hiding in old models of who we think we are. Play with the emotions. What if…? What if we embrace it with acceptance? Release the hold, play with the structure of emotions, replace diagnosis with role. We are given a script & try to fill our role to the best of our abilities. Rewrite the script—make it a comedy, a rom-com, a skit, or improv.

Release—Bend & sway in the wind. The atmosphere contains water in the gaseous form. In a funny way all life exists in aqueous environments. The willow bends & flows in the wind just as sea plants bend & sway in liquid water. Whether we are primarily dealing with our human karma, our Soul’s evolution, or our many roles, we may choose to let it flow on its way.

Bonus Card: NonDuality

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16/02/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—We know this part of the path well. Many times it has appeared in the past & we reacted. Today, we see the structure & mechanism at play & laugh it off. Like the clever fox we smell the trap & turn away surprisingly lighthearted.

Bless—We may bless this as a chance to change our karma by changing our reaction. If we take the road of surrender, we gain our freedom. Feel our way through with our keen sense of the situation. Compassion is the correct stance. Send love to all & cut the reins of expectations.

Release—Dolphins & humans have an affinity. They live in this dimension & in the higher dimensions simultaneously. Unlike the majority of humans they easily play between the realities. Can we see the edges of a grander design at work & let it run its course?

Bonus Card: Footprints—Direction

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15/02/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—The dragonfly whisks across the surface of the water. Dragonfly asks us to be willing to change our perspective. If we allow, good fortune is soon to follow.

Bless—When the flow card appears for us, it’s a sign that our intentions are in motion. It is time to allow nature to run its course. We are asked to be like a river, resist the urge to push against the flow or swim upstream. Trust that when the time is right, our dreams will begin to take shape, & we will be invited to the dance.

Release—Our body & spirit are of energy. In the body, we have seven primary chakras; spinning vortices of energy & light that run along our spine. Each chakra vibrates with life-force energy & corresponds to a colour & frequency. We may feel ungrounded, creatively stuck, or out of touch with our feelings. If we are struggling to speak up for ourselves, set, boundaries, trust our intuitive knowing, or seeing the bigger picture in our life; these are signs & symptoms of chakra imbalance. Any time we are in need we may send healing energy to our chakras in the form of our loving, attentive awareness.

Bonus Card: Divine Abundance Deck;
Invite Help

#magick #moon #moonphases #mystic #oracle #spells #tarot #witch #witchcraft



14/02/2023 Oracle Reading
Address—The Viking ancestors sail into our reading today. They are known for their adventurous spirit. Is it time for us to wake up and live again? Take risks, think outside the box, journey to unknown places, follow our instincts & live our life to the fullest. Drink deeply from the well.

Bless—Change is on its way. We may fight it & make the process challenging, or can we have faith. The universe is giving us a rainbow of opportunities.

Release—If we feel disconnected, we may go outside & put our bare feet on the ground. Raising our hands to the sky we may feel the connection from above and below. We may pull in energy from the earth and send back our gratitude for all of Gaia’s gifts. Feel the energy coming up through the layers that lie beneath us. Our life may be full of distractions. When we are distracted, is the best time to ground. Sit comfortably, holding onto a crystal or stone of our choice. We may light incense or a candle & concentrate on the stone, sending our awareness deep inside. Connect with the energy of the stone; does it feel warm, strong, or comforting? Does this stone have something to offer us that some other stone might not? Does it feel as though it could boost our magickal work for prosperity, healing, peace, or any other particular goal? When we are done our meditation, blow out our candle & thank Gaia for all her gifts.

Bonus Card: Gita Deck; Winds of Desire
“As a boat on the water is swept away by strong wind…”


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