
Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Allowing ourselves to drop deep into heart-space, we feel an interconnected state of oneness. Conflicts, resolve, power struggles dissolve, & a sense of inner peace & comfort will radiate from within. Love is the root of happiness. We may fluidly give, and receive with the same ease as that of breathing in and out. When we manifest or affirm something from love, it reflects our own loving intent. Our glimpses of higher awareness can be followed by periods of intensity as we return to normal. These uncomfortable experiences are shadow elements.  Aligning with the higher vibrations, these drop away so we can maintain our new frequency. Our sensitivity is heightened, so it may be harder to spend time in places with frantic activity. We learn to protect & maintain the energy we cultivate in ourselves. Not for fear, but through a healthy awareness of what is ours, & what is the energy of others. Just as we keep our body fit and healthy, it is good to ensure our energy field is free from anything that no longer serves us. There are many ways to clear our energy field. We may see an energy healer or learn clearing methods that we can do on ourselves. It’s important for us to learn how to kickstart a positive vibration so we can gain perspective. This is a key to flowing through situations that seem overwhelming or unsurmountable. We may work with the Violet flame to transmute anything that is not for our highest good into love, The flame is simple to visualize and a powerful tool that can be used at any time. To bring something into our life, we become the vibrational match for it, imagine that it is already manifested, & prepare for the results with certainty.

Address—Conflicts, resolve, power struggles dissolve, & a sense of inner peace radiates from within.
Bless—Violet flame transmutes everything  into love.
Release—We are a vibrational match for what we manifest.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me

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