
Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
The season of Holy Thunder begins. Grandmother speaks,… “so easily can the sun distract us, my love. The omens are much more easily seen in the dark, (yet) it is the mark of a true witch to witness synchronicities by the light of day, to see shapes in the clouds, & scry her future in sidewalk gum. Look for the signs, beloved; they are all around us.” As we walk through the day, ask the Crone to reveal herself & then watch for her sign’s and omen’s. When we limit our magic, sometimes we miss what’s right there on the sidewalk. The Bard’s Collection offers a lesson on gathering. Grandmother speaks,…“we become much more discerning as we age when it comes to our gathering, our slow collection of wisdom & skills. When we are young, we want to own all of it, to scoop up every lesson we can, and put it in our baskets. In time though, we become necessarily protective of our energy, & we learn that every little thing we collect demands our time and attention. Ask ourself what are we gathering now? Are we learning new ways of being in the world? Are we collecting trinkets, certificates, or relationships? What do we gather that is worthy of our precious energy, and what do we gather that would be better left outside the realm of our attention and responsibility?” Take a moment to breathe. Know that there is a great gift coming for us that demands room in our life. This gift does not have a name yet. Our attention to sacrifice & purge in preparation, will release it, bringing it towards us. Blood of the Warrioress is the card of willing sacrifice. Grandmother speaks,… “anything worth its salt requires a sacrifice. If we were to constantly manifest, constantly gain our abundance of new blessings, without ridding ourselves of the old, our world would burst apart at the seams. We are Doulas of both death & birth, & there is no light without the dark. There is no manifestation without dissolution.
What must be sacrificed in order for this new way of being in the world to be initiated? What must we release? Is there a belief that holds us back or a relationship that wants us to say farewell? Sometimes the sacrifice is as easy as pulling dead leaves off a hearty & thriving plant, & sometimes it is far more uncomfortable. The bigger the want, the bigger the sacrifice required.” Gather a piece of paper, a burning bowl(or a metal sink), & some juniper, sage, or cedar. Smudge with the sacred herb. Write what we need to release on the paper & burn it in our fire safe bowl or in the sink. The flames transmute it into pure energy. Take a moment to think of something we are grateful for. Clean up. Now forget about it & go back to whatever you were doing.

Address—Look for the signs, beloved; they are all around us.
Bless—What do we gather that is worthy of our precious energy?
Release—What must be sacrificed in order for this new way of being in the world to be initiated?


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