
Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

Our breath is one indicator of what we are feeling. Fill our lungs with pure fresh air. Clearing out the stagnant we breath out in a long, deep sigh. Now we are better prepared to stay in the present moment. Magic is a verb, it is the Craft in action. Relying on universal laws as Magician we use recipes & energy forms ancient, & modern to participate in the deliberate creation of our experiences. Without water, there is no life. Without water there is no magic. Being the most vital substance it is often overlooked. Water magic harnesses the power of water to send messages, heal, flow with confidence, & ride the changing tides.

Address—Breath is an indicator of what we are feeling.
Bless— Without water, there is no life. Without water there is no magic.
Release—Water magic; send messages, heal, flow confidently, & ride the tides.
YES/NO Question~’YES’.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me

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