
Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.

At times, facing our true thoughts and emotions can be difficult, or troubling. It’s important that we realize the feelings for what they are. Being honest, with ourselves means looking with clear eyes at the stories?we’ve been telling ourselves & others. Knowing our truth, doesn’t mean revealing our truth to others right away. Some situations call for sharing,  and it can sometimes be hard to tell what our current circumstances are dictating. If we have feelings we choose to keep a secret, ask ourselves why that is. Watch for signs and little pangs of emotion that show us what is real and what is not. First we make the statement to ourselves, feel if it is true, or not, sit with it, and then, if it’s meant to be shared, we will share it. Did we get in there and try to push for an outcome? It is time to stop micromanaging everything & have faith that our angels have the situation under control. If it seems like we’ve been pulled this way and that way lately it’s time for us to take the reins and regain our focus. When daily chores and little niggling worries are taking over our minds, we may call on Metatron’s power as master organizer & time keeper.

Address— Knowing our truth, doesn’t mean revealing it to others right away.
Bless— It is time to stop micromanaging.
Release— we may call on Metatron’s power as master organizer & time keeper.
#dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me

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