
Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
Guides await our instructions, requests, & wishes. Some, assigned at our birth, others are appointed for a time or a task. There really isn’t such a thing as time, they await us in the ever present, the now. Call on them with loving intent & watch for their signs. The Sangoma shows up, awakening us to our developing ability to channel. If we receive a message for another, we have the opportunity of acting with Spirit to pass it along. It is a great day to practice our mediumship skills or attend a seminar. As we move through the Yuletide season the presence of our passed loved ones may feel very near. Watch for signs as they visit us, & watch over us.

Address—Guides await our instructions, requests, & wishes.
Bless—The Sangoma shows up, awakening us to our developing ability to channel.
Release—Watch for signs, our passed loved ones may feel very near.


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