
Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
Trust the universe is working to bring us the experiences we need. Acting as if something is already manifested, creates the vibration to attract more of the same. The words we speak creates our reality. Is it time to inventory the messages we tell ourselves? Acting, speaking, & trusting creates a powerful, almost irresistible alignment. Change is on the way. It is up to us the form it takes. Self-care now; ground & avoid drama. Be generous with kind words & compliments. Our loving, healing words reverberate, cutting through the noise. The universe mirrors back our words of strength, abundance, & joy. The beginner mind helps us approach our situations with innocence & curiosity.

Address—Is it time to inventory the messages we tell ourselves?
Bless—Self-care now; ground & avoid drama.
Release—Be generous with kind words & compliments.


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