
Here is the long version of the Oracle Reading.
The time of sacred giveaway begins. Stability depends on the passage of seasons both for the planet & within our own lives. As we enter the winter in the northern hemisphere, those of us in the southern hemisphere prepare to enter the summer. Know that wherever we are, we add to the stability of this illusion. The moment we allow it to be & settle into being, we find our way to the bliss of equilibrium. Who do we serve? A child, a spouse, a boss, a board? It is in service & generosity we find self-love. The way grew tangled, we couldn’t see the sun, then the clouds parted. At moments we thought all was lost. In the middle of the muddle, we had no other choice, we let go. We walked between the stones, setting each curve & line to memory, for now we leave the garden of illusion forever. With a passion worth serving, we set off into a new adventure.

Address—The time of sacred giveaway begins.
Bless—It is in service & generosity we find self-love.
Release—With a passion worth serving, we set off, into a new adventure.


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