02/09/2022 Here is the long version of the Daily Oracle Reading.
Are we feeling vulnerable? Call on Hanael’s shield of courage & ruby ray to strengthen our convictions. “Chant Om Namah Shivaya three times and the Divine will illuminate your way forward.” Be assured the immense shifts we feel are happening at a planetary level. It is nothing personal, harmony & balance work to maintain our equilibrium. Letting go is One of the hardest lessons we will ever learn. It is in surrender that we find what we have been looking for all along. Control has always been an illusion, see it for what it is, and let it go. Surrender control to the angels & it will be replaced by something better.
Address: Are we feeling vulnerable? Call on Hanael’s ruby ray & shield. Bless: The immense shifts we feel are happening at a planetary level. Release: It is in surrender that we find what we have been looking for all along. #dailyoracle DianeRobinson.me